Dying For Your Letter, Niall

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Hello, lovely Cookies! So here it is, as promised :D Chapter 4! Hope you like it, hehe. I wrote it in Biology class, lol. All my stories are written (majority of the time) in geometry, english, biology, or intro to computer science (which, by the way, is THE MOST HORRIBLE CLASS EVER. I strongly advise you to never take it...I mean...unless...you actually LIKE to program computers...)

P.S. You cookies will wish me a happy birthday, right? It's coming up soon, teehee. I'm excited for it!


Love, Annie

Chapter 4


My heart pounded, the second I opened up the letter and saw only one thing.

‘Hugs and Kisses, Niall’

‘Hugs and Kisses, Niall’

‘Hugs and Kisses, Niall’

She knew? She knew who I was?



Trying to calm myself down, I went back to the top of the letter and read it all.

When I finished, I relaxed, a lot.

And then I perked up. I was Annie’s favorite celebrity! I had a fan! I had someone who liked me, out of all the boys, she liked me! Me! Niall! Just plain Niall Horan!

The one that almost everyone always forgets. Niall Horan.

And she wasn’t one of them.

I had to say though, it was a smart idea of her, to set up days when we would get the letters. It kept the anxiousness to get back a letter, away.

I instantly, though, replied back.

I do wish I could speak to her in a quicker way without her knowing.

Knowing I’m her favorite celebrity.


Dear Annie,

First thing’s first. You’re smart, coming up with a system like that. If I’m going to be honest with you, I’ve got to say, it’s a great idea. Why? Because I look forward to getting your letters. I also get anxious. I really can’t ever wait to get another letter from you. It makes me want to find a quicker way to talk to you. Oh, and yes. I do have an Irish accent. It’s not much, really. But I guess that’s because I’ve been used to it all my life? Anywho, I think that would be quite strange, if I’d seen you but not known it. I’m not sure which I’d rather prefer, honestly. To have never seen you, or to have seen you and not know it’s you…Quite tough, really.

Tell me about you, Annie. I’m burning to know more of you. I honestly don’t know why such an amazing girl like you wouldn’t have anyone to confide in. (Which you can, by the way. Confide in me. I’m always here for help. It’s what pen pals are for…well…not really, but you know…)

Also, tell me about your favorite celebrity. I think, I’m not sure, but I think you mean Niall Horan? From One Direction, right? What is it about him that makes him your all-time favorite celebrity? Don’t people usually ignore him, or not even remember him? Why Niall, of all five guys?

I don’t mind what girl’s mind I get into, just as long as I can finally understand some girl! I’m not very good with them. I’ve never really been much of a dater. Are you?

Why would someone insult you? You seem like a sweet person.

Dying for your letter,

Love, AnnieWhere stories live. Discover now