P.S. I Adore You

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I am just...horrible at suspense. I couldn't help myself from posting this. :/ Oh well. Treat for you, Cookies!

P.S. refer to the photo at the side, if you don't know which photo Annie's talking about.

Love, Annie

Chapter 18


I glanced at Jason. “Do I have to?”

“Yes!” he shouted.

“You are so mean, Jason,” Niall laughed through my cell phone.

I narrowed my eyes, though he’d never know it. “You just shut it. You guys are both being so unfair!”

“Hey, you made the bet,” Jason said, putting his hands up and stepping back.

“No I didn’t! You did!”

He paused. “Oh…right.”

“How ‘bout we skype?” Niall asked.

I sighed and went along with it. Jason pulled our laptop over and added Niall quickly. In the matter of minutes, five faces popped up on my laptop screen. It didn’t help my face was so grouchy.

“Now they can watch you light your tongue on fire!” Jason clapped.

I jabbed him with my elbow and stuck my tongue out at Niall. “Take a pic, this is the last time it’ll ever look normal.”

I swallowed the saliva that was quickly forming in my mouth in fear, and stared over at the chilies. So did Niall and the rest of them.

Jason brought all fifteen of them and put them on my lap, a stopwatch in his hand. “Okay, on the count of three. Ready…1…2…3!”

I hastily began biting away the chilies. The second after I bit the first one, my eyes widened and I was about to spit it out. But Jason smirked, saying, “Ah-ah-ah. 50 seconds!”

I glared at him and shoved the second one in my mouth. I blew in and out after the fourth one, my tongue feeling like it was burning and small tears of the hotness sliding off my face. “I hate you Jason,” I said in a breath. And then I ate a fifth and sixth one all in one bite. “So, so, much,” I finished and bit off the seventh and eighth.

“20 seconds left!” he shouted at me, ignoring my death threats that followed the ninth chili pepper.

And then I did the stupidest thing ever.

I bit off all remaining six chilies left at the same time, and ate them, at the same time.

I had to choke it down. “Wow, Moore. You finished with 10 seconds left!”

I didn’t say anything. I ran out of that room and went to the refrigerator, downing anything I could find. Icy water, coke, sprite, lemon juice. And then I went for solids. Peanut butter, nutella, jelly.

Jason came down shortly afterward too, laptop in hand, laughing his ass off when he saw me.

I glared at him. “Shut up, okay? My mouth is burning on fire.”

Niall started snickering from his end of the laptop. “You’re so cute!”

I made a face at him. “Gee, thanks. This isn’t my finest moment,” I told him, and then chugged down a full 2 liter bottle of coke.

All eyebrows raised at me, I smiled at them. “I’m feeling much better now,” I said, and walked off.

Before I was completely out of earshot, I heard a couple of things.

Love, AnnieHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin