Love, Annie

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Love, Annie

Chapter 9


I grew worried with the second letter I received. I didn’t know what to do. Should I send him back both? Should I ignore the first one and help him?

Might as well just send him both.

He could look at the first one when he wants to.


Don’t do something stupid, first of all. Talk to them both, calmly. Explain. I don’t know what exactly the whole problem is, so I can’t tell you what to say, but don’t infuriate them.

Maybe you should just tell them about me? I’m sure it wouldn’t be such a bad thing. However, if you hate that thought, then why not try to remind them of their ‘bromance’ days and convince them they’re being stupid? (Because most of the time, when guys fight, it’s over stupid things)

I promise, again, to you Niall. I won’t be angry with you. But please do tell me soon. It makes me anxious, frantic, worried, even, not knowing what’s happening.

I’m afraid and I don’t know what of.

I don’t know what else to say really.

I’m sorry. Please stay with me, here. Bear with me.

Love, Annie

I didn’t know what much else to say, really. So I left it at that and just sent the letters back, in hopes that he wouldn’t take everything so personal.

If only.

Love, AnnieWhere stories live. Discover now