Hugs And Kisses Niall. Love, Annie

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Love, Annie

Chapter 3

“Hurry up!” Natasha, my sister, urged me, as I rummaged through the sand, looking for my envelope. I knew it was a stupid thing to do. I mean, leaving a letter, a random letter, out, open in the sand?

What had honestly possessed me to do such a stupid thing?!

I started getting frantic when I couldn’t find my letter. Groaning in frustration, I stomped back to Natasha, until I tripped over a stick, face planting in the sand.

“Are you okay?” Natasha asked, quickly helping me up.

But I was more than fine at that point. I fell in contact with my envelope. Although how it got over here was beyond my knowledge. I was just happy I could take it back before anyone else did.

Tash dragged me off to her car, to the passenger’s seat. I smiled to myself, looking down at the envelope, until I noticed something.

On my little envelope, it no longer said, ‘To Whoever Decides To Pick This Up And Read It.’

It now read, ‘To Annie’

I think my heart just lurched out of my chest.

Natasha collapsed onto her bed, underneath mine. We had a bunk bed. The top was obviously mine.

I sat up straight as I heard the soft snores of Natasha. It was dark, but I could still make out my backpack at the foot of my bed. I slipped a hand under my pillow and grabbed my little flashlight, pulled out a piece of lined paper and a textbook from the backpack. I also then pulled out the envelope that I stuck in my backpack. I stuck the flashlight in my mouth and read the letter I had gotten back, much too over joyed when I found out that a boy had written back. Eagerly, I wrote a response back.

I couldn’t wait for the next morning to come so I could put the note in the brick. But my curiosity was killing me.

I really wanted to know who I was sending letters to. Badly.


I knew I shouldn’t expect an answer back so quickly…hell, I don’t even think she’d have gone back to the beach to get the response back.

It really was pointless. And a rather slim chance. But my mind kept pulling, making me think about the “What if’s”. None of the other lads knew about Annie.

I wanted to keep it that way. I wanted Annie to be my little secret. Something that only I knew of. They all had their own tad bits of secrets. I’m usually the only one open about everything.

Now, it’s my turn.

Danielle is the only exception, but even Liam doesn’t know. She said she never told him who she’d give that first letter to.

As soon as I entered the local park, I headed straight for that brick wall. There was another girl there; she was just lightly touching the bricks, walking along, and away. For a moment, I watched her.

Noticing me, she gave a brief smile and left. Either she didn’t know who I was, or she didn’t see me, from my hoodie.

Shaking my head, I pulled out the little brick, biting my lip, and hoping for that slim chance.

Luck was with me, as well. There it was. A small, pink, showing off some pretty cursive lettering, paper.

I eagerly took it out and shoved the brick in, running back to the house.

Dear Just An Irish Lad,

Irish? That’s very cool. I’ve always loved Irish accents. Do you have one? They’re cute. If I had one, I’d probably never shut up :p but then again…I already do yap all the time. My sister gets sick of it sometimes! Anyways, back to your letter that you sent me. First off, wow! Thank you! I can’t believe you actually wrote back. If I’m honest (and I should be, since you were), I actually thought I was being ridiculous. So I went back yesterday (Monday) to the beach, to take my letter back. I found it, too, but some ten feet away, and that too, because I face planted into the sand and it! Talk about clumsy. So I went back home, thinking it was my letter…until I saw that it said ‘To Annie’ at the top. And my heart lifted up. So thank you, Just An Irish Lad, you’ve made my day! Yes, I’m happy. Very. Oh, and I like this idea of yours. This brick idea. It’s great. And yes, I’d also like it to be our own place. I come here a lot, and not many people are around this wall. It makes it special. Do you ever wonder if maybe we’d ever see each other here, and not even know it was us? What if I come here to retrieve a letter and you’ve just put it in and are leaving? Or vice versa? Strange, huh? Fate, really. But speaking of retrieving letters, do you want to have a system? How about I pick up my letter every Wednesday and Saturday? Because today is Monday. So if you get this letter before Wednesday, write back, and I’ll get it Wednesday. Then I’ll write back and you’d get it Friday or so?

P.S. Yes, you may get inside a girl’s mind ;) I hope you don’t mind to learn about a crazy chick.

P.P.S. Why, thank you. But it’s okay. I’m used to being insulted. But yes, Lunatics Unite!

P.P.P.S. Can I call you something that no one else can call you? You know what? I’m going to give you a nickname (if that’s alright with you). You’re Irish, and you remind me of one of my favorite celebrities (no, scratch that-my favorite celebrity.) So I’ll nickname you after him.

P.P.P.P.S. Can I confide in you? I don’t have many people around to help me. Only Natasha. My sister.

Hugs and Kisses, Niall.

Love, Annie

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