Don't Play Dumb, Niall Horan

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'ello lovely Cookies! How are you? Teehee, I know, I know. It was a mean thing of me to do, leaving a cliffhanger on the last chapter. Sorry! This one will make up for it though :) It was six pages on word. Should be about 3 or so pages on this. I think. Okay, okay. You probably want to read this, not listen to me yapping.

So, Happy Reading!

Love, Annie

Chapter 17


“Huh…Well he’s going to live a long life,” Jason shrugged indifferently.

I gave him a confused look. “Why is that?”

“Later. Pick up the phone, Annie!”

I glanced at the phone in my hand. And then I flicked it open. “Hello?”

No answer.

“Hello?” I tried again.

Still no answer. I was about to shut the phone when I heard voices.

“I can’t do it!” someone said.

“Why the hell not?” another asked.

“I…don’t know,” the first told the second. “Whatever. Forget it. I have time to tell Annie. Right now we need to find out Ciara’s address.”

“We don’t know it, smartarse,” a third sarcastically said.

“Call up Zayn, then,” a fourth spoke up.

“Niall’s got his phone on him,” the second one piped up. “You call him, Niall.”

“Yeah, yeah, Harry. Your phone’s right in your hand. You sure can be lazy as-”

At that point, I ended the call. It was obvious that the call was accidental.

I slumped down as reality hit me.

My Niall was the Niall.

Holy. Fricking. Shit.

“Here’s your shirt,” Jason smugly handed me a shirt that had the words ‘Jason McGuiness is always right’. “Here is the key to my dorm,” he slapped a key in my hand. “Aaaand, there are those 15 super spicy chilies just waiting for you, right there,” he pointed at my desk.

I gave him a dark look and scowled at him. “The least you could do is not brag about it.”

I bit my lip, sitting down on my bed, tossing the shirt aside and sliding the key in my pocket.

He lied to me. My Niall…or the Niall, or…whatever Niall. He lied to me. He knew all along. He knew who I was and he purposefully did all that stuff on twitter. He played dumb. He’s a liar.

Call me. Right now. And don’t play dumb, Niall Horan.

Text Message Sent 1:13 pm


It was like one quick second. I felt my phone buzz again. Took it out. Opened the message. Read it.

And then I screamed. Loudly.

“Daaahhhhh!” Zayn shrieked in response. He blew his breath out. “Niall! You scared me! What was that for?” he scolded.

My eyes met his. “Annie knows. Annie knows, man, she knows who I really am!”

His jaw dropped. “How?”

“I don’t know!” I threw my hands up. My phone flew from my hands and to the ground.

Harry picked it up. “Hey, it hit your recent calls,” he laughed, and then stopped, staring at it. “You idiot,” he looked back at me, and shoved the phone in my face. “You called her, you moron. Of course she’d realize it. You’d have to know if you talked to her, she’d know.”

Love, AnnieWhere stories live. Discover now