Hugs Niall. Love, Annie

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Okay, so I felt really bad about not uploading this yet. So I'm uploading this now. And the next chapter to this. I have Ours done but it will not be posted for another 9 (ish) days. I'm halfway through the next chapter of Who Killed Ciara? as well. x) Oh, happy days! Hope you like it :)

Love, Annie

Chapter 5


“Really?” I asked Natasha.

She nodded. “True story. So now you know why I hate forests.”

I gave her a weird look. “Crazy sister of mine. It’s okay. We all know that I’m the better sister. I’m so much prettier!” I joked.

“We’re identical twins…” Natasha said.

I laughed and she joined in. “Okay, I’ve got to go to work. You should stop by, though! Take over for my shift at some point!”


She pouted at me. “Please? I hate being a waitress! Do your kind and loving sister a favor.”

I rolled my eyes. “Text me when.”

She winked, “KK!” and left.

I pulled out my laptop, and logged onto twitter.

Zayn hadn’t tweeted since the last time, and Louis only retweeted Liam. Liam responded to some fans a few hours ago. And Harry hadn’t been on for a day.

But it was Niall’s last tweet that intrigued me.

@NiallOfficial: I’ve found ‘happy’ again. Thank you, letters.

It was funny, to me. He said thank you, letters.

It made me wonder what type of letters he’d meant. Letters, like the ones I’ve been sending ‘Niall’?

I grinned, and went back to my profile, pulling up a new tweet.

@AnnieBooh: That awkward moment when identical twins are fighting, and one calls the other ugly @TashyPooh

A couple of minutes later, I got a reply back from her.

@TashyPooh: @AnnieBooh Har dee har har. I’m just dying of laughter. We didn’t fight tho, lol

Grinning, I replied back. @AnnieBooh: @TashyPooh I know. I just remembered that from our lil thing. :D Go to work now, shush. Text, kk?

She didn’t respond back after that, but I knew that she affirmed it.

Laughing at nothing really, I laid out across Tash’s bed, forgetting about my Niall for a moment.

The fact that I didn’t even know my Niall’s real name didn’t really disturb me, though. I liked to call him Niall. I did wonder who it may be.

What if I knew him? Or even better-what if it really was Niall Horan?

I shook that ridiculous thought out of my mind. Why on earth would a popstar like him write to me? He’d much rather toss it in the bin.

Without much more thought, I actually fell asleep in her bed.

“Annie! Annie, wake up!” Natasha shook me.


I fell off the bed. Standing up and straightening myself, I asked, “Oh god, I fell asleep, didn’t I? I missed your text!”

She shook her head, “Never mind that! You’ll never believe it!”

“So why are you going to tell me?” I asked.

She smacked my head. “Shut it. I say that because you’d never believe I served One Direction!”

“Shut up, no fricking way!” I gaped at her.

“Not only that, but Niall freaking Horan talked to me! He asked if I had a sister. And then he asked for your name. Just when I was saying, ‘Annie’ Louis calls his name out and everyone surrounds Niall and I get pushed back to the kitchens.”

My mouth opened and closed, opened and closed, like a fish. “Woah.”

She nodded. “I can now tell my future children I served One Direction,” she grinned.

Natasha was a really odd Directioner, just like me. She didn’t fantasize about dating one of them or getting married and making babies with them.

We knew it could never happen like that. Even though Niall says he can’t wait for the day he marries a fan.

Besides, how could that happen to either of us, if we’ve never been to a concert? We don’t have that kind of money.

So we don’t even bother thinking ridiculous thoughts like that.

Natasha’s really jealous of Danielle and Eleanor, though, thinking she’s ugly.

I think she’s beautiful, really.

It’s kind of difficult, though. I believe she, my sister, was absolutely gorgeous, but I thought that I was horrifyingly ugly, even more.

Bit of a predicament there.

Dear Niall,

Thank you, but I’m not very smart. It is a new feeling though, having someone dying to talk to me. Usually, they’re dying to kill me, literally.

I’d prefer to have never met you, though. At least then I’d know that I hadn’t met you. It’s an idea that goes through my head all the time. ‘Do I know my Niall? Does he know me? Have I seen him before?’ It really irks me.

Now, more about me, you say? Well, you do know I’ve a sister. Natasha. We’re identical twins. I’m eighteen years old and I love dancing. Umm…I go to the local school. I’ve only just turned eighteen, you see. I don’t really want to go to college though. I wanted to take up my passion of dancing. I just don’t know where to start. And I don’t think my parents would ever let me anyways. I find it easy to pour my heart and soul into this letter, though. I could tell you anything about me, really. What would you like to know?

Yes, I do mean Niall Horan. From One Direction. Why? Well…ask me again in a hundred years and I’d still never be done telling you why. I don’t even know, really. I mean, he’s wonderful. His voice is amazing. He’s a brilliant singer. He’s beautiful too, though he doesn’t know it, or doesn’t believe it. He’s self conscious of his body, but I say who gives a damn? If my list goes on, it’d probably be more of why I love Niall more than why he’s my favorite celebrity. They contribute, though. I mean, have you HEARD his laugh? I love his laugh. He thinks people make fun of him when they say ‘LLN’ (Laugh like Niall) and I don’t know if they are, but his laugh is great. Intoxicating, dare I say it.

No, I haven’t been much of a dater either. Truth be told, I’ve never had my first kiss. Pathetic, right? I know. You don’t have to tell me.

I like to think I’m sweet, but I feel like I’m just a worthless…thing, just polluting the world. I don’t know.

P.S. I’ve got a birthmark on my tongue. Cool, right?


Hugs, Niall!

Love, Annie

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