I Still Love You Annie. Loving And Caring For You Always, Niall

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Hey Cookies! Okay, so the next chapter is seriously, SO SO SO FRICKING LONG. Like, seriously, it's 13 pages on Word! So it'll be six to seven pages. I'll post it tomorrow, okay? Last updates are going to be tomorrow, by the way. I'm working on Ours right now :)

Happy Reading ^-^

Love, Annie

Chapter 13

Lovely Annie,

What if Real Niall really does compliment you? Ever in your life? Maybe through twitter or something? Hasn’t he ever done that? Niall tweets almost all the time, I’ve heard.

You should accept the compliment, love. It’d be a good self-esteem boost, you know? You’re beautiful, okay? That’s that.

I’ll bet you were excited. Did anyone ever find out? I hope neither of you got in trouble for it!

You are NOT a whale. You are perfect. You really should learn to accept that you’re the most gorgeous girl on earth.

‘You’re insecure. Don’t know what for. You’re turning heads (you know, I now JUST got that double meaning of this part…) when you walk through the do-oh-or. Don’t need make up, to cover up. Being the way that you are is enou-oh-ough. Everyone else in the room can see it. Everyone else but you-ooh-ooh. Baby you light up my world like nobody else. The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed. But when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell, you don’t know-oh-oh. You don’t know you’re beautiful! If only you saw what I can see, you’ll understand why I want you so desperately. Right now I’m looking at you and I can’t believe, you don’t know-oh-oh. You don’t know you’re beautiful!’

Do you believe me now?


That’s okay. Just set this letter down a quick moment and open your front door.

(Seriously, I hope you like it, took me ages to pick.)

I stared hard at the letter a moment. What did he mean, open my front door? How did he know where I lived?

What if he’s standing there?

Sighing, I set my letter down, and went downstairs.

Natasha was lying awkwardly on the couch, eating ice cream and watching Rags. I rolled my eyes and opened the door.

Nobody there. I stuck my head out and looked left and right. No one. Just when I was about to shut the door, I heard a beautiful voice.

“I love you!”

I stared down. There it sat.

A small plush bear in a huge basket filled with many of other things.

I smiled wide and brought the basket up to my room.

I pushed the button on the bear again. “Annie, you’re beautiful!”

I beamed. It was in Niall’s voice. It was the best gift I’d ever gotten. Curious, I peered inside the basket.

There was a phone number written on the basket. I assumed it was my Niall’s.

There was a small box as well.

I took it out. Inside was a pretty necklace. All it had on it was a small letter A and a small letter N. I loved it.

And the last thing in the basket; it was a box a bit bigger.

Inside of it was a charm bracelet. It had already had a few charms on it. The letter A. The letter N. A pink paper. A pencil. A brick. An hourglass. A shamrock. A chocolate chip. And still more.

I was in love with these amazing gifts.

I snatched my letter back to keep reading.

First off, don’t yell at me, please! It doesn’t matter how much money that all cost. It wasn’t much of a dent in my money supply anyways. That’s nothing anyways. Just a small gift for you to remind you always that you’re perfect.

Yes, that number is mine. Text me, but don’t call, please. Not yet.

I’m also very proud of you, Annie. But…you do know you can cry in those situations? If you feel physical pain, it’s okay to cry. It’s natural. Just…none of those happy tears, okay? Don’t waste your precious tears.

On another note…Compliments…compliments…there’s really no justified compliment to suit you, Annie. You’re far too perfect for any of them. But your smile is lovely. It makes me want to smile. I keep your photo with me, always, too. It’s always kept close to me.

Be confident. Don’t be shy, Annie. You don’t have anything to be shy of. I might sound crazy, but I want to meet you. Sometime soon. Not now, but soon. You’ll see me. You’ll see me, you’ll know who I am, but you won’t know WHO I am. Riddle of the day for you :)

As for my real name…well…how about I just tell you when we meet?

I still love you, Annie.

Loving and Caring for you always, Niall

I was biting my lip to keep from smiling so hard. “What’s up, babe?”

“Niall sent me a letter back! And gifts!” I squealed at her.

Natasha laughed. I told her all about him after yesterday’s catastrophe. She didn’t think I was really all that crazy. I showed her all of our letters.

I always kept mine. I’d make copies and keep those, sending off the originals. Niall never got my copies. He should always get the first piece, not the second.

But thinking of him now…It made me anxious. So anxious. I wanted to see him. To know who he is.

To figure out what that ridiculous riddle meant.

What did he mean, I’d know who he was but not know WHO he was? That didn’t make any sense!

At least…not in my mind.

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