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Readers POV

It was six in the morning on September first. My alarm had just woken me up. The sun was still down and my room was pitch black. I wasn't excited about going back to school, but I wasn't too upset either.

I'm decent in school. I get A's and B's only and do any extra credit work given to me. My teachers like me because I'm quiet and don't bother anyone else in the class. Though for some reason I can't make any friends.

Well I guess I know why. I have social anxiety and depression. My mental illnesses don't help me when I want to talk and make friends with my peers.

Nonetheless, I hop out of my bed and throw on the clothes I put out the night before. I quietly creep into the bathroom across the hall.

I brushed my teeth and knotted (h/c) hair. My eyes were dark with sleep, or lack there of. My nails were picked down to the skin from nervous fidgeting and were covered in bandages. The bandages were supposed to make me stop picking at my fingernails, but they didn't seem to work for me.

I groggily make my way into the kitchen. Everyone else is still asleep, but I don't try to be quiet. They wouldn't keep quiet for me, so why bother?

I had grown up with a single mother until age ten. She had found a boyfriend and within two years they got married. I HATE him more than words can say. I cried behind a bush at their wedding in the heat of Florida. At the time I was twelve and wasn't very good with emotions. But now I'm seventeen and I've had practice at hiding sadness.

We moved to the city of New York when I was fourteen. Now I'm going back to public school after five years of online homeschool. My mom, a nightshift nurse (yes I know Heidi is an overnight nurse but my mom is too so...) made sure that my school program was easy enough so she wouldn't have to help me too much.

Now that I'm going back to a public school, I'm quite nervous. My only friends were two bois named Micheal and Jeremy. I only know them because they're friends I Jeremy lives in my building. I sometimes walk over to Jeremy's house when my mom's husband is at work and she is asleep. I know that if they ever found out that my only two friends were of the male gender they wouldn't let me go over.

I tip the milk into what I thought was the bowl of cereal, but was actually four inches away from the bowl. I'm knocked out of my thoughts and see that I made a huge mess of the kitchen. I hear footsteps coming from the master bedroom. I scramble to clean everything but before I can I hear,
'Well, (Y/n). I didn't know you needed to learn how to put milk in a bowl.'
My mother's husband, Richard was being a smart*ss again.
'Well I, um, well you see, I, I'm...' I mumble out.

'It's fine! I was only joking!' He says loudly putting his arms up in defeat. I give a shaky, fake laugh before he cleans up the milk I spilled.

'Why does he have to be such a jerk?' I ask myself before sitting down. Richard slammed down the bowl of cereal in front of me before walking to the coffee pot to fix himself cheap off brand coffee.
'First day of school, eh?' (He isn't Canadian, btw) 'If any boys try to talk to you...'
'I'll punch them and walk away.' I reply.
'Good girl.'
I would never actually do this to any boys at school, but Richard thinks that boys are the Devil's workers (at least he acts that way.)

I pick up my bag and walk out to the front door.
'Tell my mom I said, 'bye'.' I say, knowing that adults don't actually say 'bye' for you when you ask. Richard walks up to me with arms out for a hug. I nod at him and leave, eager to leave his presents.

(A/n) so far this story's main character, (Y/n) is based off of me. So if you guys don't relate then feel free to read this story in your own words.

I have a storyline that I'm very excited to use! So I'm going to be writing a lot for the next few days!

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