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A/n: 'In The Bedroom Down The Hall' is the best song EVER why isn't it in DEH?!?!

Trigger Warning: sex

Reader POV
~November 18th~

I kiss Alice on the cheek.
'Time to wake up, ally.' I say. She rubs her eyes.
'Is today your wedding?' She asks, excited.
'It is.' I smile. She hugs me. I swear! My heart can't handle how sweet she is. 'We have to start getting ready. Let's go.'
'Where's Evie?'
'We'll see him at the ceremony. Until then we can't see him, Okay?' Alice nods.

I carry her into the kitchen where I'm surprised by Heidi. She was making breakfast.
'Whats all this?' I ask her, smiling.
'I made you breakfast. It's your big day!' She said coming over to me and taking Alice. 'Are you okay with pancakes?'

To be honest I prefer waffles, but she didn't have to do this.
'Pancakes are perfect. Right, Alice?' I ask. She nods.

We all eat and get ready. I do Heidi's makeup and zip up her nice blue dress. She helps me into my wedding dress and puts my veil in my hair. Together we get Alice ready. When we all are ready we walk to the church where the ceremony will be held.

I feel very venerable walking down the streets of New York City in a wedding dress. I get smiles and waves from people passing by. I blush and wave back. This is very awkward.

We arrive at the church twelve minuets before the ceremony. The guests are all here. It's a very small wedding. Evan and I don't have much family to invite.

Guest list:
(Your side of the family)
Kevin (Richards brother)
Kevin's husband
Jed (the only uncle you have that you know of)
Jed's husband
Elizabeth (your second cousin)
Elizabeth's husband
Judy (Elizabeth's mom)
(Evans side)
Anna (his cousin)
Anna's husband
Heidi's sister
Heidi's brother in law
Micheal Mell
Jeremy Heere

Fifteen people. You only invited the people you love dearly. Your mother wasn't invited. Evan's father wasn't invited (obviously). Just the people who loved you.

The clock struck twelve. Time to get married. Heidi kissed you cheek and walked down the short aisle with Alice. Kevin (Richards brother) walked you down the aisle. He was the closest thing to a father you had. He kissed your cheek and handed you to a crying Evan.

(If you aren't religious I'm sorry. Just change it.)

Evan looked at you with big wide, watery eyes. You blushed. The guests chuckled. As the priest was beginning his speech you began crying. It was overwhelming. The people looking up at you made you scared. You began panicking. The priest noticed and began the final part of his speech.

'Do you Evan Hansen take (Y/n) (L/n) to be your lawfully wedded wife?'
'I do.' Evan said quietly.
'Do you (Y/n) (L/n) take Evan to be your lawfully wedded husband?'

You thought for a while, still panicking.

'I do.'
'Wonderful! Well by the power invested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife. Evan you may kiss your bride.'

Evan leaned in and gave me a quick kiss. He hugged me.
'Don't worry. Everything's fine. There isn't anything to be nervous about.' He whispered to me. I took deep breathes and hugged him back.
'Okay.' I giggled.

He took my hand and we walked over to Alice. He kneeled down.
'Guess what?' He asked her.
'What?' She asked.
'I'm your new brother.' He said.
'Yay.' She breathed out. She gave him a big hug. 'I love you.'
'I love you too.'

Seeing this made my heart happy. I joined their hug. We got applause from everyone.

'Is it time for cake yet?' Alice asked.
'You know it!' I giggled.

We walked the guests to a room with a small cake and some food. Heidi and I had made everything here.

Evan and I were handed a knife from Heidi. We walked to the cake and cut a wedge. More clapping from the guests. We feed each other a forkful before walking over to Alice and feeding her a bite.

While Evan hands out cake I walk to Heidi.
'Hello, mom.' I say. She smiles.
'The ceremony was beautiful. I cried as soon as you walked in.' She told me. 'You are the best daughter anyone could ask for.' I leant down to where she was sitting and hugged her.
'I love you.' I say.
'I love you too, (Y/n).'

After eating we all talk. Evan came over to me after socializing.
'Hello, my beautiful wife.' He said.
'Hey, handsome husband.' I replied.
'Mom booked us a hotel room. For tonight.' He whispered. I blushed.
'Yep. No Alice to poke us with cold feet.'
'Not to mention what we'll be doing.' I say. Almost as a question.
'It is our wedding day.' He says.

Heidi clinks a fork to a champagne glass.
'Attention please! I would like to make a toast.'
Everyone rose their glasses. Alice even rose her water bottle.
'To Evan, my son. To (Y/n), my new daughter. To Alice my new daughter. To love and family.'
'To love and family!' The guest say.
'Now. I believe (Y/n) and Evan have somewhere to go.'

Evan nods and picks me up bridal style. I gasp at the sudden movement. He walks us out to Heidi's car.
'We have stuff to do beautiful.' He tells me. I raise my eyebrows up and down.

When we arrive at the room there is already a bag on the floor.
'I spent the night here.' He explains.

He throws me on the bed. He climbs on top of me and kisses my lips. He trails kisses down to my chest. He pulls me up off of the bed. It takes a minuet or two but we get my dress off. I unbutton his shirt before unbuckling his belt.

(Yes it is only 3 PM they're inpatient)

I push him onto the bed and climb onto his body. We're only in our underwear right now. We've haven't been able to do this is weeks and we were growing too impatient.

We took off our underwear leaving nothing between us. Evan began pulling my hair making me moan loudly.

We continued. It was fun. I love him more than words can say. I can't live without him.

A/n: So? Tell me. What should happen next? Should this be the end of the story or should there be more? Let me know!

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