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Reader POV

After Evan and I talked people started coming into the gym. The class wasn't fun but it wasn't bad. I got to do some activities with Evan and got to see him exercise. He wasn't extremely muscly but he was pretty darn fit.

After gym was German. This was my favorite class of the day. I've been talking German since seventh grade and after five years of practice, this class was EASY!

Than I had choir. Both Evan and I were called on twice throughout the class to sing a line or two solo. We would stand there staring at the teacher in shock. He eventually let us sit back down. The only time we would sing was if the rest of the class was as well. I've always been insecure about my voice, Evan must be too.

After choir I had English. The class was boring and I sat on the other side of the classroom from Evan. This was disappointing. But we got to pick partners for a group project. There were groups of three but because the class has twenty-eight students, there had to be one group of two. Evan and I swapped phone numbers so that we could work on the project outside of school.

Overall the day wasn't too bad. I had my third friend. But this time he understood me! He also didn't have another friend who he has known since being three year old who he is best friends with *cough* 'Jeremy. Micheal'.

The final bell rang and a walked over to my locker to get my stuff. Evan was there waiting for me.
'Hey, Evan? Whatcha doing here?'
'I wanted to ask if you wanted to walk back to our apartment building together.'
'Sure. I'd love to!'
I got my binder out of my locker and we began walking out of the school. Once we got out I took off my shoes and placed held them.
'Why are you going barefoot?'
'Oh! Well um, I just don't really like shoes. Especially these. They're too small.'
'Why do you ware them if they're too small?'
'Because I'm saving my money for a new pair.'
'Oh. Will your mom not buy you a new pair?'
'Well last time I asked for something she yelled at me. She said that if I want something to pay for it myself. The thing I dislike the most is that between her and her husband they could afford six pairs of shoes. But they're to cheap.'
'Oh. I'm sorry about that,' she nodded a response, 'How do you make money?'
'I work at the cookie store on forty-fifth street.'
'Yeah! Have you been?'
'Hasn't everybody?'
'Well when you go back, I can get you a discount.' I said laughing. He laughed as well. We continued down the sidewalks. Evan keeps looking at my bare feet, it's making me quite uncomfortable.

As we enter our building the infamous Connor Murphy was getting into the elevator (I guess his long legs got him here quickly). A look of deed came across all of our faces. Connor pressed the 'close door' button repeatedly. I decided to play with him. I grabbed Evan by the shirt collar and pulled him into the elevator with me.

Connors face got angry. Evan looked shocked. I just looked smug. I inch closer to Connor. I put on a seductive expression. I thought I noticed Evan look  a bit jealous, but I think I was mistaken. I rest a hand on his rock hard chest. I felt my anxiety drift away for a a moment.
'Hey Connor,' I say sexily, 'you sit next to me in English. I couldn't help but notice.'
'What the f*ck.' He whispers. Putting a hand on my waist. He puts his other hand on my upper-thigh and rubs. Now Evan is outraged.
'STOP!' Evan shouts.
'Why? What are you going to about it?' Connor asks. I watch smugly. I'm also trying not moan from where Connor is rubbing. At this point it isn't rubbing, Connor is trying to make a hole in my thy.
'Just stop! There is too much PDA for this elevator to hold. Also I don't think (Y/n) said you could touch her like that.' The elevator door opens and I skip out. Letting my skirt bounce up a bit higher than usual. I turn around to see a bright red Evan. Guess he couldn't handle my luscious thigh.

As soon as the elevator door closed and Connor was out of sight Evan yelled,
'I was just teasing.' I said giggling.

We worked on our project. I could tell Evan was a bit on-edge but he acted mostly normal.

Evans POV

When we got into the elevator (Y/n) just decided to throw herself at Connor. Yeah, the same Connor who shoved me today. I was extremely jealous but I tried to hide it. When we got off I yelled at her. Why would she do that to such a son of a birch like Connor (yes like the tree).

While we did our project I tried to act as if it didn't bother me that she flirted with Connor. All I could think about was that she let him touch her like that. I couldn't take it any longer.
'Yes?' She replied in her angle-like voice.
'Didn't it bother you that Connor touched you like that.'
'Evan. Sometimes my anxiety goes away for a short moment. While it's gone I have to do something I wouldn't normally do.'
'So you flirt with the guy who tried to hurt me this morning.' I say louder than my normal volume
'Oh. That's what pissed you off. I'm so sorry. I didn't realize that you would be so upset.'
'(Y/N) IM NOT UPSET!' I shout.
'Um-uh. Evan, I'm sor-'
'YOU'RE WHAT (Y/N)? Sorry? WELL THAT DOESN'T MATTER RIGHT NOW.' Before I know it she's pulled me into the biggest hug I've ever been in. I don't hug her back until a few second later when I hear sniffles. I quickly look at her. Her face is red, her eyes are saddened, and her nose is running.

I'm a little angry that she is crying right now, but then I realize that I did this. I made (Y/n) (L/n) cry. The girl that shows zero emotion, is crying. I made her cry! What do I do. I start breathing quickly, but I try to slow it down. I don't want her to feel overwhelmed. So I just hug her back. I kiss her hair, as a sign of comfort. I feel her smile against my shirt.  She couldn't be any cuter if she tried.

I try to take in the beauty of this moment. Holding her is like holding a newborn child. You feel the need to be extremely careful around this one being that you can't even think straight. Your mind is racing with thoughts on how this moment could go wrong. But nothing goes wrong. Because (Y/n) is in my arms and I am holding her. I am making her feel safe.

Sky For Forever (Evan Hansen x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now