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Tigger Warning: mentions sex

Evan POV

When I open my eyes I see (Y/n) has left. She's always leaving places. It's a blessing she hasn't run off with some other guy. She wouldn't ever do that though, because she loved me.

I walk into the guest bedroom. Alice is snuggled so far into (Y/n) you can't even see her body. I sit on the bed close to (Y/n). I'm not gonna say that damn thing you always read in books. She doesn't look peaceful when she's asleep. She looks drained and tired. The bags under her eyes only look darker. Her breathing is shallow and quick, as if she's scared of waking up.

I see her eyes just barely open.
'Ev?' She whispers.
'Yes, love?' I ask.
'What time is it?' She asks.
'It doesn't matter. Go back to bed.'
'It's Monday. Ally's a preschooler so that doesn't matter, but-'
'It's fine I called my mom she knows that we aren't going to school. She called and told the office that I won't be there. She tried to get your mom to call the office.'
'She refused?' She asked. She knew the answer. I nod my head. 'Just another reason to be upset with my mom.' She says.

(Y/n) POV

'What'd mama do?' Alice asks.
'Don't worry about it. My school probably thinks I'm skipping today. Great!'
'Sorry, (Y/n).' Evan says.
'It's not your fault. My mama's just different.' I reassure him.

I pick up Alice and take her to the bathroom where we brush our teeth and hair. I put her thin (H/C) hair into cute piggy-tails. She looks like a princess. My little princess.
'You look so pretty, Ally.' I say, smiling at her.
'I know.' We giggle at her self confidence.

Jenifer walks into the bathroom with us.
'What's the plan for going back?' She asks me.
'I- don't know.' I say. I frown at the floor. I thought I knew what I was doing.
'You'll have to go back to school. I'm not having a dropout for a granddaughter.' She tells me. I smile because she called me her granddaughter.
'I know. We'll think of something.' I tell her. 'Remember when was homeschooled over an online program?'
'Well I'm thinking of using the program again. I don't know about Evan. He'll probably want to go back to his mom. Alice could use the program too.'
Evan pipes up after hearing this.
'I have a computer. It would be nice for my anxiety. But I don't know if I want to leave the people.' He said.
'The people?' I say shocked. 'Like who? Jared? He only wants car insurance.'
'No like- um- Alana. Alana Beck.' He began.
'No. Evan you barely talk to her. She makes you uncomfortable. The only one you'd miss is Zoe Murphy.' I spat out.
'What? No I don't. No.' He sputtered out.
'Evan everyone knows you have a massive crush on her!' I scream.
'No- but- (Y/n).'

Evans POV

'No. I don't wanna hear it.' She says tearfully. She ran out of the bathroom, her hair only half done, and into the guest bedroom. She quietly, but quickly, shut the door and locked it.

I was shocked. I didn't move from my spot in the bathroom. Alice looks up at me.
'What happened to (Y/n)?' She frowns.
'I don't know.' I reply. I was telling the truth, yet the words leave a sour taste in my mouth.

Soon I feel a small body clinging to me. I look down to see Alice hugging my legs. She had such a sympathetic look on her face, especially for a four year old, that I couldn't take it. I began sobbing. I bent down to her level and picked her up. This was our first real bonding moment. I held her for a few minuets while crying. She rubbed my head to make me feel better.
'You smell nice.' Alice whispers.
'Thank you.' I say, sniffling.
'Don't cry. (Y/n) does this all the time.' Alice tells me. I don't know wether to feel better or worse. I could view this as a relief, knowing that she cries really easily. I could also view this as a sad thing, knowing that she cries often makes me feel like she needed my help in the past, but I wasn't able to help her.

I choose the first idea. Mainly because I don't want to cry too much more in front of Alice.
'Could you do me a BIG favor?' I ask Alice.
'Yes!' She says. I've gotten her very excited.
'Go get your sister out of that room.' I jab a thumb towards the locked guest bedroom door.
'Okay!' She says before bouncing off to the door.

Alice's POV

Knock knock

'Leave me alone!'

Knock knock

'I said leave!'


'Alice?' The door opened. (Y/n) looked sad. She was crying.
'Why are you sad, (Y/n)?' I asked her
'It's nothing for you to worry about, Ally.'
'Are you okay?'
'I'm fine.' She smiles at me.
'Evie wants you.' I tell her.
'He does?' She asks raising her eyebrows. I nod my head three times are walk to Evie

'I got her to unlock her door.' I say, tapping his shoulder.
'Good. Thank you.' He got up and walked over to the guest bedroom.

Evans POV

Knock knock

'Ally?' A voice says muffled through the door.
'No. It's Evan.' I say. She swings open the door. Her face is red from crying and her nose is dripping. I walk to the bathroom and then come back. 'Tissue?'
'Please.' She wipes her eyes then her nose. 'What do you want?'
'I wanted to talk with you.' I inform her.
'We are talking. Say what you need to quickly. I need a shower.' Her voice sounds very irritated.

A grab her hand and walk her to the balcony. I ask her to sit in a chair, when she does I get on my knees so I'm level to her knees. I hold her hands and bow my head. I allow a few years to fall down my face before I hear (Y/n) start crying too. Damn. When will I learn to control myself.

'Don't cry.' I tell her wiping tears from her cheeks. More tears build in her eyes. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, then sighs. 'Why did that bother you so much?' I ask her. We had a very brief conversation about that night a few days ago. She didn't seem interested in dating me.
'I don't know. To be honest, I don't know why I cry half of the time.'
'If it makes you feel better, I've decided to use the homeschool program you were talking about.'

She smiles so wide that I think her face is going to burst at the seams.
'Really?' She asks.
'Yeah.' I laugh. She looks into my eyes and gives me a goofy grin. She bends down and kisses my cheek. She can tell I'm blushing so she begins playing with my hair.

'Why'd you decide not to go back.' She says a bit more seriously.
'Because I couldn't go back to school without you there.'
'That's so sweet. I feel special.' She says with pink cheeks.
'You are special. Alice and I couldn't live without you.' I tell her. I scoop her up and steal her seat.
'Hey! I was sitting there!'
'Hold on one second.' I say, reaching out a hand which she takes. She sits on my lap. I missed having her in my arms.

'Evie?' She says after twelve minuets of sitting in my lap.
'Would you like to go on a date with me?' She asks slowly.

I was in a state of shock. After what happened I knew she still liked me more than a friend, but I didn't think she wanted to date right now.

'You're ready?' I ask her picking up her hands once more.
'Yes.' She says. She leans down and pecks me on the lips. I know I've had sex with this girl, but this felt like something new. This peck was completely innocent. Nothing felt rushed or unprepared. This kiss wasn't hungry or passionate.

This kiss was full of love. Nothing more. Nothing less.

A/n~~~ sorry I haven't written lately! I'm very busy with schoolwork. I'm seeing Dear Evan Hansen in 19.5 hours. I can't wait! If you want to know about my experience of watching the show leave a comment. I'll try to post again by 11/11 but I can't make any promises. I love you guys SO much!!! Bye bye♥️

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