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Reader POV

The walk to school was... eventful, to say the least. I leave my house in rage after talking to Richard. As I'm walking to school my friends, Micheal and Jeremy see me and run over.
'(Y/N)! (Y/N)! GUESS WHAT?!?!' Jeremy yells in my face.
'What!' I say in fake excite.
'Okay... we already thought he was gay.'
'I know. But not BI!!!' He laughs historically. I try to hide my anger but my slightly red-from-anger face gave it away. 'Is something wrong, (Y/n)?' Micheal asks helping the dying-from-laughter Jeremy walk down the sidewalk.
'No?' I reply as if it were a question. Micheal gives me a questioning look.
'You sure?' I nod my head and Jeremy stops laughing. We walk in silence to school. As we arrive Jeremy says,
'Hey (Y/n), wanna come over to my building tonight? Like, after my dad falls asleep. We can play 'Apocalypse of the Damned'. We still haven't finished level nine yet.'
'Is Micheal coming?' I ask. In case of getting caught I'd rather be with two bois than just one. 'Or would that be worse?' I think to myself.
'He doesn't know if his mom will let him. She doesn't trust us as much anymore now that she knows that we sometimes get high.' I nod my head slowly.
'I'll text you if I can.'

Indeed this part of the school day more than any other, leaving my only two friends who are a grade below me. Suddenly I hear a 'bang!' I turn around quickly to see what has happened.

On the floor lay a boy wearing a blue stripped polo shirt. Conner Murphy, a tall 24/7 high kid, was the one who seemed to have pushed him. I rush over to the quickly growing mob of people.
'Is this what public school is like?' I ask myself.

I run over to the kid in the polo shirt and offer him my hand.
'Are you okay?' Him quickly. Surprising myself by the fact I'm talking to a stranger who is (dare I say) quite cute. The boy looks around as if I were talking to some other kid.
'Um. I.. uh? I'm fine...' The boy said getting up and wiping his hands on his khaki pants. I felt a bit hurt that he didn't take my hand. I blush and nod before asking,
'What's your name?' As he asks,
'Would you like to sign my cast?' We laugh and blush. I nod and take a (F/c) sharpie out of my pencil case.
'M-my n-name is.. I'm um, Evan.' He says quickly. I smile and write my name on his cast. '(Y/n)?' He asks. I nod my head. 'Is that short for something?' He says fast. Seeing that I just stood there in shock he adds, 'Sorry! I uhhh? Stupid question.' He then blushed and started to breathe quickly.
'Oh I- um uh. (Yes/no).'

I stare at the ground shuffling my feet. He stares at me. 'What grade are you in? I've never seen you before.' I tell him I'm in his grade (senior year) and he says, 'Sorry, I should have noticed you... before?' I shake my head.
'I was homeschooled since age twelve so... I understand why you haven't seen me before.' He blushes and awkwardly asks to see my schedule. I hand it I him and he says,
'I have um, uh- gym, choir, and math with you.' Looking down at my schedule I see that I have gym first class. The only good thing about that was that the cute boy Evan would be there too. 'Do you want to walk there together?' He asks looking anywhere but at me. I nod my head and we walk to the gym.

I hope that we can be friends. At least acquaintances, but like, close acquaintances.

Sky For Forever (Evan Hansen x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now