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(Y/n) POV

Time is 4:56 in the evening

I wake up in the late afternoon. I feel the warmth of Evan beneath me. I smile and giggle slightly. I must have giggled too loudly because Evan seemed to hear me. He kisses my head and puts his arms around my balled-up body.
'How long was I asleep?' I ask him, hoping that it wasn't too late.
'A few hours. It's almost five o'clock.' He said pressing his cheek to my forehead.

I feel disappointed.

I don't know why.

I hadn't been taking my medicine.

'Fuck!' I said loudly.
'You!' Evan said, making me laugh.
'I haven't been taking my medicine for the past three days.' I began panicking.
'Um- what type do you take?' Evan asked me.
'Celexa. Why?'
'Agh! Crap.'
'Evan don't say those words! Why do you care what kind of medicine I take.'
'I thought maybe you could use some of mine.'
'What kind do you take?'
'Prozac.' I laughed. 'What's so funny?' He asked, laughing himself.
'Prozac makes my anxiety way worse.' I sighed knowing that I had to get my medicine. 'Ev?'
'Do you wanna come to my house to-'
'Ok, fine. Let's go.' I said grabbing my house keys. I couldn't describe how irritating it was to know that the boy I love, is about to meet the two people I HATE. My sister would be home too. Her being there was wonderful when we weren't have Evan over. She's going to bug the living DAYLIGHTS out of my mom and her husband.

Evan and I walked to to my apartment room. I took a deep breath and I prepared. This could be the end of my- whatever I had with Evan. I pull out the keys and insert them into the lock.

I opened the door. My mom was cooking dinner, Richard was typing on his laptop, an open beer bottle next to him. I scan the open room. Where is she?

I lead Evan into the apartment. Neither my mother or Richard has noticed he is here.
'Hello?' I say. 'Are you guys going to say hello to our guest?' With that the two adults looked up.
'Who are you.' My mom asks Evan.
'I, um- well-'
'Mom, this is Evan Hansen.' I say trying to act like nothing was abnormal.
'(Y/n) he's a boy.' Richard says.
'I know.' I say with a dude tone.
'We told you not to be around boys.' My mother says.
'Well, guys. Newsflash! Not all boys try to get into girls pants 24/7!' I snap at her.
'Don't use that tone around your mother!' Richard shouts from the sofa.

My little sister Alice walks into the kitchen where my mom, Evan, and I are. She is four years old and I love her more than I love anything in this world.

'Pants?' She asks. 'What?'
'Nothing, sweetheart.' I say picking her up.
'What brings you here, (Y/n)?' My mother asks.
'Mom. I haven't seen Alice in almost two days. I need to see her and pick up my medicine.' I yell at her. She hands me my four pills. I grab my moms wine glass. I tip the sides, allowing the red wine to slightly splash in the glass.
'(Y/n) don't you dare!' My mother warned. I grabbed the pills and one at a time took them, using the wine to swallow them. '(Y/N)! (L/N)! THIS IS WHY YOU NEED THERAPY.' She yells at me.
I grab Alice and put her on my hip. With my left hand I grab Evans. I walk out of the door with both of them and go to the elevator. When the metal doors open I walk in quickly. I reach over Evan to press the 'level 1' button. The metal doors open once more and we walk out.

I walk over to my car and unlock it. I look up at my apartments balcony. Richard is there shouting profanities and flipping us off. I began the car after making sure all of us are buckled and ready to go. I knew were I was driving but I didn't tell Evan or Alice.

After minuets of silence Alice is the one to break the silence.
'Sissy, why are we leaving?' She asks with a frown on her face.
'I'll tell you later.' I reply.
'Are we going back soon?'
'When will we go back?'
'Stop asking questions. I'm doing what's best for us.' I say.
'Are you sure it's the best thing for us?' Evan asks. I don't answer.
'Sissy?' Alice asks once again.
'Yes?' I say annoyed.
'I have to go potty.' Alice says. This is why car trips with her take two hours longer than needed.
'Okay, sweetie. We'll find somewhere for us to get out.' I tell her. I turn to Evan. 'Could you look up the closest bathrooms?' He nods and types into his off brand phone.

We found a bathroom at a gas station close to the boarder of New Jersey and New York. We got back into the car and drove some more.

While we were using the bathroom I was able to make a quick call to Richard's father. They lived in Syracuse, so we had about a four hour drive.

This was going to be a long car ride.

A third way into the cart trip.

'Sissy. I'm bored!'Alice complained from the backseat.
'Evan?' I asked.
'Yes?' He asked looking upset. Now I felt bad asking for a favor.
'Could you drive for like thirty minuets?' I ask.
'Sure, (Y/n).' He replies ignoring me.
'Look, Evan. I'm sorry I've dragged you into going to Syracuse.' By the thirty minuet mark of the trip Alice and Evan had already pried our destination out of me.
'It's no problem.' He said, obviously not believable. I thought it better to not talk to him too much now.

At the next red stoplight we quickly rearranged our seating positions. Now I was in the back with Alice and Evan was driving us to Syracuse.

The next three hours were nice. We listened to some songs by Lana Del Rey. Evan and I sang along to the words. His voice was wonderful. He should sing more in choir class. I'm always playing songs at home so even Alice knew 50% of the lyrics. She would sing along, her sweet voice singing slow lyrics was enough to make my heart feel heavy.

When the car ride was over we got out at the apartments that belonged to Richards father and step-mother. I was a bit nervous to bring Evan with me, but they seemed to trust me. Hopefully they will trust me when I tell them that he is the sweetest person I know.

Evans POV

I felt bad for (Y/n). I can't stop replaying every time I had ever been with her. The times she was happy, sad, angry, sexy, funny, sweet, and depressed. Then I thought about what happened earlier.

I never thought that (Y/n) would be the type to spontaneously drive four hours away to a city she isn't familiar with.

This was going to be interesting....

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