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Trigger warning: mentions sex

(Y/n) POV

I come home from the drug store. In my hand I have a small container on pregnancy tests. After our first time I haven't had my period. It was only last month so I may have just skipped a period.

I go inside of the apartment. The box of tests is under my sweater. I check to see if anyone is there. I see Evan sitting on the sofa. I feel a rush of guilt plummet to the bottom of my stomach. He sees me and walks over.

'Where were you?' He says while smiling.
'The corner store.' I tell him.
'Why? Didn't you just go the other day?' He asks.
'I just needed to buy some- uh- tampons.' I say. If he believes this he'll never suspect that I just bought pregnancy tests.
'Oh.' He blushes. 'I'll- uh- let you sort that out on your own.' He says going back to his spot on the sofa.

I walk into the bathroom and take out a test.

Do not insert the test into your vagina.


I take the test and hide it under the cabinets. When I walk out I'm shaking quite a bit.
'You okay?' Evan asks me when he sees me shaking.
'Yes. W-why wouldn't I b-be.' I say.
'Because you're shaking harder than I thought possible. Not to mention you're pale and sweaty.' He says putting his hand on my forehead. 'Huh. You're not warm.'
'I'm going to check something.' I say walking into the bathroom.

I take the test out but don't look at it. I sit on the edge of the bathtub holding the test.

I sit there for five minutes before I hear a knock at the door.
'Come in.' I say sitting on the test. Evan walks in.
'Are you okay, (Y/n)? You don't seem like yourself.' He says.
'I'm fine.' I say and I nod my head. He doesn't believe me. He holds a hand out. I don't take it.
'(Y/n). Come with me.' He says.
'I'm good. Thanks.' I push his hand down to his side. He picks me up. 'Put me down, Ev!' I yell.

'What's that?' He says picking up the test. I instantly began bawling.
'It's- it's nothing.'
'Why didn't you tell me!'
'Y-y-you d-don't understand.' I say shaking again. He throws the test in the sink. 'Where are you going?' I ask as he walks out of the bathroom to the coat rack.
'The park. Don't come with me. Don't show up there later. I'll be back by seven.' He says.

He leaves. I run back to the bathroom and pick up the test.


Oh. My. God.

I run into the kitchen. I grab the phone and dial Evan's number. He doesn't answer. I don't know what to do.

I do what anyone should do at this moment. I go to the park. I know Evan said not to follow him, but this is important. This could effect our relationship for forever.

Evan POV

At the park.

I'm sat on a park bench. I'm not crying. I'm smiling.

At first I was pissed, but the more I think about it, the less shitty it seems. We're at a decent point in our relationship. We aren't the fighting type. We care for each other and take care of Alice together. We'll have the help of Jenifer and Dick.

I see the way (Y/n) looks at Alice. She is the best thing that has ever happened to (Y/n). When Alice cries, (Y/n) tears up slightly and comforts her until she stops. If anything were to ever happen to Alice, (Y/n) would be heartbroken.

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