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3rd person POV

A year passed. Richard, (Y/n)'s stepfather killed himself. (Y/n), Evan, Jenifer, Dick, and Alice didn't go. (Y/n) seemed like a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders. Alice cried for a week, but when they offered to take her to the funeral she refused. She was never close to her father because of how he treated (Y/n).

Jenifer and Dick knew that Richard treated (Y/n) with little respect. They didn't weep when his death was announced but they mourned for a day or two.

In his death note he didn't state what he wanted to have happen with his bank account. (Y/n)'s mother went to the courthouse and asked them politely if she could keep the money for herself. They said 'No.' because he didn't specifically tell them what to do with the money. (Y/n) had half of the money put into her bank account.

It was a lot of money. She was able to pay for two extra years of collage in addition to the two years she had in her collage fund. She had to go to collage in New York to be able to use the two years from the fund.

She gave Evan the two years of new collage money. Now they would be able to both go to their first two years of collage. While they're at collage they will have to save money for their last two years each.

(Y/n) and Evan took Alice back to the city. They moved in with Heidi. She welcomed them with open arms.

Heidi's POV

(Y/n) was a hard worker. She had two part-time jobs and was constantly filling out collage scholarship essays I had given her for her birthday. She didn't ask for anything for her birthday, but I decided to give her and Evan my bedroom in the house. I slept in the guest bedroom on the pull out bed. Alice was supposed to sleep in there with me, but she likes to crawl into Evan and (Y/n)'s bed at night.

~The morning of July 22nd 2018~
Reader POV

I wake up to cold, little feet jabbing my legs.
'Ally? Hon, we asked you to sleep with grandma.' I told her. Even though Evan and I aren't married, we still call Heidi Alice's grandma.
'But I wanted to snuggle.' The now six-and-a-half-year-old pouted.
'I wish I could resist that face.' I poked her nose before getting out of bed.

I walk into the kitchen. I crack and scramble eggs then serve them to my hungry house mates.

~four o'clock PM~

Evan and I had planned a dinner for tonight. It was at a nice restaurant in the center of the city. Alice and Heidi are coming too. We told them to dress nice and be on their best behavior (Cuz ya'know Heidi is a big troublemaker).

Alice cane running into mine and Evan's room before we left.
'Can I wear this dress?' She asked holding up her black church dress.
'Only if you are careful. If you spill food on that dress you won't have anything to wear to church.' I tell her. She runs out of the room and appears a few seconds later.
'Can I wear this dress?' She asks, now holding a baby-blue fit and flare dress.
'As long as it stays clean.' I remind her.

Evan though we do have money, we don't have enough to buy another formal dress for Alice. Evan and I have been working nonstop to save money and it would be a bit sad if we had to blow it on a dress.

Alice, determined to find an outfit by herself, went back into her and Heidi's room. I followed her. We decided to have her wear a cute pink tank top and nice capris. It was hot outside so I made sure to have her dress appropriately.

~five o'clock PM~

Evan got home from his second part time job at four thirty. He showered and than got dressed.

'Ready to go, babe?' I asked while helping Alice put her shoes on the right feet.
'Yep.' He said walking out of our room. He looked so handsome.
'Wow.' I said. 'Am I a bit underdressed?'
'No. I just wanted to dress a bit nicer because we don't go out often.'

Heidi walked over to us dressed in a nice light pink dress.
'You look beautiful, Heidi.' I tell her.
'Oh! Don't be silly. You look the best.' She said. I blushed a bit, looking down at my outfit.

I wasn't dressed up. I was in a white sundress and short black heels. My hair was in two braids that fell down my shoulders.

Evan took my hands and grabbed the keys. I picked up Alice and the four of us began walking into the elevator. As got in I noticed a familiar-looking woman. My mom.

'Well. I haven't seen you in a full year.' She said to us. Alice began trying to hide herself in my neck.
'Yep. Long time. No see.' I drawl.
'No grandchildren I don't know about?'
'No. We had a scare before, but no.'
'Are you enjoying the money?'
'We've decided to use it for collage.'
'Huh? You haven't turned out as bad as I thought you would have.' She said. I rolled my eyes. 'Where are you going dressed up like this?'
'A nice restaurant in the city.'

The doors opened.


'Goodbye, mother' I said not looking at her.
We all walked out and left the building. The walk to the restaurant was nice. We talked about our plans for the future. Evan's plans got me scared. He sounded like he thinks we're getting married. I don't know if I'm ready for that.

We find our reservation and sit down in a booth. I hand Heidi the Drinks menu.
'Treat yourself to a drink.' I tell her. 'I'll pay for it.'

~Six o'clock~

The food comes out. I look at the food. It looked amazing, but I looked at the price, I don't know if it's THAT amazing. Honestly I could have made this food. But I am a better cook than most recreational cooks are.

We all eat and as time goes by I notice that the conversation goes down a bit too.

Evan stands up from his chair.

He walks over to me.

I begin shanking.

He kneels down beside my chair and takes my hand.
'(Y-Y/n) (L-L/n). Will you do me the h-honor of b-becoming m-my wife?' He breathes out.

I become petrified. Like a stone. Like a stone during an earthquake. I was still but shaking at the same time. My mind was racing.
'Y-y-yes?' The word tumbles out of my mouth. He looks confused. I look at him dead in the eyes. 'Yes. I would love to be your wife.' I say.

He hugs me (still kneeling on the floor) and kisses me. After a few long moments I pulled away. We are in a public place after all. I hear clapping from snooping diners. Evan sits in his chair and we smile at each other for the rest of the meal.

~after dinner~

Alice behaved well and Heidi was just barely tipsy. I looked down at the ring on my finger. 'This.' I thought to myself. 'Is why Evan has been working SO hard at work.' I look up at him. I let Heidi and Alice lead us back home. Evan and I trail behind them.

'You. Little. Sneak.' I giggle, playfully punching his chest with each word.
'Do you like it?' He asks. I look at the ring. It's a gold band with a medium sized diamond in between two small diamonds.
'This is the nicest thing I own. I love it.' I tell him. He smiles. 'But you are the reason I said yes. I don't need the ring, or the wedding, or the fancy cake. I just want you.' I tell him. 'You know that. Why'd you spend so much money on me. This could have been money for Alice's collage fund.' I tell him.

His smile drops.
'I just wanted to spoil you I guess.'
'Oh! I didn't mean it like that. I just-' I take a shakey breathe, 'I love it.'
'I'm glad.'

We walk home wrapped in each others arms.

We go to bed with Alice. The three of us snuggle together. I'm in such bliss right now that I don't notice freezing cold feet poking me in my sleep.

Please read A/n: What do ya guys think? Should I keep writing this story? Tell me please!

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