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Evans POV

(Y/n) knocked on the door. I'm not gonna lie, I'm terrified of meeting (Y/n)'s step-grandparents. What if they hate me? Well, I guess (Y/n)'s mom and her husband HATED ME, and I saw what she did after that so....

The door swung open. An elderly woman stood behind the door with a happy smile on her face. Considering how jacked up everyone I know is, it's the first genuine smile I've seen in quite some time. She had a pixie cut, and her hair was dyed platinum blond. To finish off her look she wore a tracksuit. She was an interesting woman to say the least.

'Oh, hello (Y/n), Alice,' she turns to me, 'Evan?' She asked.
'Yes ma'am.' I reply.
'Ah! Such good manners. Richard called me to tell me about your behavior.' She said looking at (Y/n).
'Did you tell him I was coming here?' (Y/n) asked, concerned.
'No! I have a bit of respect left in me!' She laughed.

She let us all in and led us to the guest bedroom.
'I can get the blowup mattress if you guys want me to.' The kind woman, who's name I found out was Jenifer, told us.
'Could you bring it in here. We'll figure out the sleeping arrangements when we go to sleep.' (Y/n) said. She was holding a sleeping Alice over her shoulder. Alice fell asleep during the last twenty minuets of the car ride. 'Bless their sweet souls' I thought looking at (Y/n) smiling happily at her 'pride and joy'. I could tell that the bond between (Y/n) and Alice was something magnificent.
'Okay. Have you guys eaten any dinner?' Jenifer asked us.
'Not yet. I'm not too hungry so unless Alice or Evan want anything I don't really need to eat.' (Y/n) said. I knew she was hungry, but she didn't eat much during the day. She was visibly underweight. Not 'pretty underweight', like 'unhealthily underweight'.

Jenifer looked at (Y/n)'s frail body.
'It won't be any trouble. You guys look a bit hungry anyway.' She said, obviously trying to make (Y/n) eat.
'Ok well, if it isn't any trouble I think Alice should eat anyway.' (Y/n) said.

I know (Y/n)'s main reason for not committing suicide, is so that Alice could grow up as a happy young woman. Have you ever heard of such a caring person?

Jenifer walked us into the kitchen.
'Eggs okay for you?' She asked me.
'Y-yes ma'am.' I shakily said. I was kind of afraid of this woman.
'How do ya like 'em?' She asked.
'Whichever way.' I replied. She was cooking for me and I really didn't want to cause too much trouble for her. I mainly am eating so that hopefully (Y/n) will eat too.

'Ally? Honey? Do you want eggs?' (Y/n) asked Alice sweetly, kissing her forehead. Jenifer and I watched as (Y/n) woke up the little Alice in her arms.
'Yes.' Alice said before squirming out of (Y/n)'s arms. I couldn't help but laugh.
'(Y/n), do you have a preference of how you like your eggs?' Jenifer asks.
'Scrambled.' (Y/n) says. 'Could I cook? Just so that you can go to bed.'
'Sure. Thank you. Dick has been asleep since eight, the old man?' I looked at the clock, nine twelve. I'm assuming Dick is Jenifer's husband.

'Goodnight, children.' Jenifer says to us before going to her bedroom. (Y/n) begins scrambling eggs.
'Do you like onion in your eggs?' She asks me.
'Like I said, (Y/n). I don't mind. However you make them is fine with me.' I tell her. I kiss her cheek as a way to show sincerity.
'Could you go entertain Alice, just until I finish the eggs?' She asks.
'Um, sure.' I say. It's been a rough day for her. I should do as she asks.

I walk over to Alice. We had a small conversation in the car, so we weren't strangers.
'Hey, Alice.' I say bending down to become her height.
'Hello, Evie.' She said. (Y/n) had called me 'Evie', Alice heard and began calling me by the same pet name.
'What's your bedtime?' I asked her.
'Eight.' She answered. (Y/n) must have heard because from the kitchen I hear her say,
'No it's not!' Your bedtime is seven thirty.' She laughs. 'It has been the same time since you were born.' (Y/n) said. Alice giggled and ignored her. 'You'll have to go to bed after we eat. Dinners ready y'all.' She tells us. She moved to New York from the south and often said 'y'all' I love it.

We all eat our eggs. Once we finish,
(Y/n) puts our dishes into the dishwasher.
'Baby, it's bedtime.' (Y/n) said.
'But we don't have toothbrushes.' Alice said.
'Oh no! We don't do we?' (Y/n) said with a worried expression. 'You know what? Rinse your mouth with mouthwash. Tomorrow morning before you wake up I'll go buy one at the corner store.' She sighs.

Alice frowned. She most likely thought that if she didn't have a toothbrush that she would have to wait for someone to get her a toothbrush. She just wanted to stay up later. I hid my laughing by coughing.
'Does your throat hurt, Evie? You've been coughing a lot tonight.' (Y/n) asked with big, worrying eyes.
'No. I think it's just allergies.' I reassure her.
'Oh, okay.' She scoops up Alice. 'It's bedtime, baby.' She said kissing Alice on the temple. Alice frowned but didn't complain.

I watched awkwardly as (Y/n) took Alice's pants and shirt off, leaving Alice in nothing but Hello Kitty underwear. She walked into the bedroom and I followed.

Reader POV

I put Alice into the queen sized bed. She pulls the covers over herself and snuggles into them. I giggle and kiss her forehead.
'I'll come in later to sleep with you, okay?' I tell Alice.
'What are you gonna do?' Alice asks.
'I might just hang out for a bit.'
'What about Evan?'
'I'm gonna hang out too.' Evan tells her.
'Okay.' Alice sighs.

Evan and I leave her in the guest bedroom. We both get into our underwear. Evan gives me his shirt to wear as a baggy top. It smells like cinnamon, it smells good, like him.

We snuggle on the sofa under a blanket. Evan falls asleep after twenty minuets. I sneak into the guest bedroom. I see Alice awake in her bed. I walk over and get in bed with her. We snuggle for a minuet or two, until,
'(Y/n)?' Alice asks me in her cute squeaky voice.
'Yes, baby.' I reply.
'Do you love Evan?'
'Yes and I love you, too. You know I love you right?'
'But, (Y/n), Evie isn't family. Do you love him like me? Or do you love, love him?' She asked, I couldn't resist her.
'I love him. Like love, love him.' I tell her brushing hair behind her ear.
'Does he know?'
'I think so.' Tell her. I'm not the most trusting person. When someone tells me something I usually have a hard time believing it.

We fell asleep happily snuggled together.

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