C H A P T O R 1

665 12 11

Gregors p.o.v.

Part One.

I sat on my bed in the small room of my aparment. I was still rather tall and my hair swept the ceiling when I was standing. In my hand was a thin red journal than my mother got me years ago. I pulled on one of the curls on my head and sighed.

It had been a long day. Today was the last day of school which was terible, of course. It's not that I'm not smart, it's just that no ones likes me. Or maybe there just slightly scared of me.

Well I mean i look really...strange. The scars from the war are still evident on my skin. Though I brush it off in conversation saying it was from a car crash of some sort. I was tall and skinny with ripped jeans and messy hair. Though I did pay attention in class.

Today, My nemesis, Jamie Oliver and I bumped each other in the hall way in got in a fight. My best friend Larry tried to help but he only got in the way because of his medical condition.

I glanced at my journal again and found that I'd drawn a messy sketch of Lizzie and Maggie. Without even thinking. That made me smile. Maggie, Lizzie and I were very close. We always stocked together. Of course Maggie remembers little to nothing from her times in the underland. So I told her about the parts she didn't remember.

The underland. A sharp pain hit me in heart and I felt the scar on my side. I thought about my friends, each one of them were probably having more fun than I am.

Though the Questions killed me. Not the ones up here but down there. Like, is Vikus well. Or is Luxa alright in her position as Queen. And is all my other friends missing me.

I lowered my head, thoughts drifted through me like a currant. The door opened and I looked up. Standing there was Maggie May. "It's time to eat to eat she said." I nodded. "I 'll be there soon."

After a moment I stood and walked out but I stopped in front of my Grandmas room. I looked inside dust covered the quilt and the curtains. She had died a year ago and I could still remember her wild eyes and how shed go in and out of reality.

I missed her very much. I walked away and entered the dining area. As I ate I noticed Mom glancing at me her face all sad and unhappy. She looked like a dozen puppies died in front of her. After dinner was done she looked at me and said in a quiet yet shaky tone, "I gotta to let you go one day. I said it before, and now..." she glanced between me and my sisters, then back at me again.

"You may got back to the underland but you must bring the girls."

"Your kidding?" I said, practicly choking on my Rootbeer. She shook her head.

"I keep my word." She said. "Your father and I will clean this up, alright."

We all nodded.

"Go" dad said. At that word a raced up to my room and grabbed the essentials. Flashlights batteries a small bag of chip ahoy cookies some tape Solovets dagger my journal and the picture of Luxa and I. I hugged it to my chest and smiled.

I'm coming Luxa.

Just you wait.

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