C H A P T E R 7

357 10 3

Maggie's P.O.V.

Great, a new prophesy. But this time I know what's going on. Great, just great.

  I sat still, pulling on my braids and watching the faces of my friends turn from fear to confusion.

  "The boy who fights?" Mareth asked, "Is that Gregor."

Lizzie sighed, "Possibly, but I thought Gregor was "The almighty Warrior".

"He was, Luxa said, "But the Warrior is dead, remember."

"But who else has been associated with fighting so much." Vikus said. He seemed tired.

  "Ok, in voting on Gregor. So who's next?" I said, sinking deeper into the soft sofa.

  "The girl who's smart, no one can compare. Will know the place, and lead you there." Sounds a lot like Lizzie " Gregor said.

But where. Where will Lizzie lead us. It was all so confusing, hard to pull your head around it.

"Ok but what about the next one." I said.

"The Queen. So it is Luxa." Hazard said.

"Yeah, I only know one Queen rebel who does whatever she wants." Gregor said.

He addrusted himself in his seat and gave me a resurring grin. He was slender but not frail from little food and warmth. He told me once a year ago in Central Park on a hot day that I was brave. "You know Maggie May, your stronger than you apear." He's said. The he surprised me by poking my chest and smiled, saying, "Courage only counts when you can count, that's what you used to say Maggie May."

   Today was very different.

"Luxa it is, but who is the Destroyer." Hazard said.

We all looked at each other.

"It said it's a rat and to 'beware his eyes" Vikus said. "It must be Ripred."

I nodded in agreement.

"A Princess." Luxa said, "But I don't remember I Princess."

"Specifically one that sings." Mareth said.

Hazard frowned, thinking. " Could it be Nike?"

"No Hazard, we don't know where Nike is. I believe it is someone we can reach who used to sing. Nike doesn't sing." Luxa said.

"But then couldn't it be you, Luxa?" Vikus asked, "Since you used to be a Princess?"

"No." Luxa said, "I can not be in the Prophesy twice!"

That's when I noticed Trevor had gone quiet.

"I believe I know who the Princess is", Gregor said.

Heads turned to stare at Gregor.

"The Princess of the Crawlers, Maggie May." He said.

"Boots..." Luxa turned her head to look at me and rolled her eyes, "Of course, I was over thinking it."

"So we half to stop th Cutters, but how." I asked, trying to change the subject. No matter how self centered I was when I was three, i was really shy now.

"How about..." Gregor looked this way and that and he tilted his head slightly to his side. That meant that he was planning out something.

"What is it." Mareth said.

"How about we kill the Queen of the Cutters." Gregor said.

Are you liking it? Welp, I guess I have quite a few more chapters to write. Also ignore the first ones. I was in a bit of writers block. Ugh. I might rewrite them. Anyway, hope your liking it. I really do appreciate you.😄

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