C H A P T O R15

204 4 4

Gregors P. O. V.

I awoke to the sound of voices.

Well, not exactly.

I knew that people, creatures, were surrounding me, fretting over me. Yet I could make out zero tones or words, as though it were inhuman. And while doughtful, I wouldn't at all be surprised. At first I tried moving, but I couldnt even lift a finger. Then, I tried to speak, but that was useless too, considering my dry throat and glued lips.

These voices were rather sharp now, actually. As though an argument was taking place. Stubbornly, I tried lifting my chest up. Also unsuccessful. So, I lay still.

After a moment of ketting my head clear and allowing no problems to surface, the harsh buzzing in my airs, like chalk scraping blackboard, lessoned. And instead of panicking, I kept up the peace act, and waited.

Another moment. The voices rattled and cracked and formed into bubbling words that made me want to cry aloud. I couldnt, obviously, as my mouth still felt like a desert. The fact that I can feel anything is odd, as I had thought I was truly dead when had let my eyes flutter open the first time.

A gradual sinking feeling, as though being pulled into sonething rich of splender, ran through me like tap water, and suddenly, I could feel tge stone under my body.
I tryed to move my hand, to slide it across the cot, my they didnt oblige, leaving me anxious.

Was I paralyzed, or just being paranoid? I couldnt tell. So, now feeling much better, I focused quite heavily on the chorus of sounds. The bussiling creaking like a oncore of wood splitting apart and a bit of heat pouring over my left side confirmed that I was near a fire. Most likely a contained one.

My eyes were shut, but I could feel, smell and listen alright. My the numerous amount of soft thuds hitting the ground, I assumed that the conversation had almost everyone on their feet. As though the lyrics of this song made it impossible not to dance.

I wished I could join.

So, instead, I listened.

"...ou know, hes been through enough. The idea of him being a demon doesnt need to be added."

I let out an inaudible sigh, feeling almost relieved. Which, after thinking about it made me restless. Luxa always had this curve to all her syllables, making each sound more pronounced and profound than the usual Regalian. Her voice was slightly more highpeached than Lizzie, but because of all the smoke she was exposed to, what words used to seem to melt off her tongue lifted more to an almost unsettling speed. Now, she spoke slowly, as though the lyrics weren't reaching her and she had no purpose or reason to dance except to do, and her voice was now husky and drawn, making her sound wise.

I loved her, obviously. How could I not.

"I know, trust me, but do you not think it odd?" Vikus questioned. His voice was pushed back any emotion, but I knew he was devastated.

I could hear Luxas old boots scuffle on the stone as she tried to give a response. "Yes." She eventually chose, "But, I think we should spare him."

I inwardly rolled my eyes. Sparing me would have not been pulling me into this bloodbath, considering you turned my into a twelve year old killing machine for your usage, I thought darkly, even writing out a way to dispose of me. I didn't blame my friends, not much anyway, but it was still messed up. He was messed up.

That thought pounced on the once plain walls, now clattered and scraped, as though unsealing an envelope that needed opening. I slowly tried again to move, but no use.

And even though I couldnt speak, I still screamed it. Help me!

Then nothing.

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