C H A P T O R 14

212 2 1

Gregor's P.O.V

I was shocked.

No, more then shocked.

I know that Nerissas physic and all, but, I didn't expect her to know. But the sudden look of pure agony made me realize something. I cant hide this. At all.


Panic gripped my chest as tge world grew blury. I leaning against the wall, clinging to it. The Queen, is dead, sure. But I, an awful horrid soul, was still here. And if I didn't stop fighting...

Ill win...

Not now

Yess, now

No. Lizzie said that Im in control.

She lied for your sorry-

Its voice dripped to smoke around me, blocking out the rest of his words.

As I slowly rushed back into existence, my friends stared at me, there expressions identical.

Worry, fear, anger.

And then Vikus, whos kind eyes were dark and weary, but he had a very sad expression on his face, his hand pressed against his heart.

Before anyone could interfere, he stood and adrusted the Quilt on Nerissa and walked forward.

"Gregor, could you please come with me?" His voice was calm, but his eyes were not. I nodded, and we walked in pace with eachother, carefully walking through the halls.

We entered jis office, which was now one of the few places that had a door. The second we entered he locked it, perhaps for safty, maybe for privacy.

He turned to me, and then rushed over and pulled me into a hug.

Shocked, I hugged him back. What was going on. Vikus never hugged me, or anyone, unless they were family or ge thought it necessary.

I guess this is necessary.

When he pulled away, he gripped my arms, forcing me to look him in the eyes.

"I am sorry Gregor. I see now." He sighed, "Seeing you so hurt, lost and destroyed.....I've known it is bad to bring someone else into a war they don't belong in. I know our way is wrong."

"Im so surprised that it took me this amount of time, to truly understand that." He took a deep breath, "When I had my stroke...I was thinking of many. Luxa, Hazard, Ripred, your sister, your parents, you and Hamnet and Frill. How these, horrible things happened over again and you kept going."

Vikus sighed again, his expression dark, "I remember sitting beside you after tge battle with the Bane. Seeing your labored breaths, your shaking expressions. Seeing your parents and sisters mortified. By description, of course. But I did see your parents...and you. It made me take it all back. I would take your place, in a second. Because you were twelve, and not ready to die for a prophecy."

I shook, softly. Vikus...he was...upset..
"Its okay."

I ran my fingers through my tussled hair. "Nerissa, what does she mean?"

Vikus eyes swam over him beforecresting downward, his expression fixed, but gentle, as though ready for any kind of evil.
"She believes, that you are evil in past time, and that, that evil is corrupting you each waking moment. Buring under your skin, desperate for attention, yet if discovered it will quit. She stresses that you, are in danger, and that everyone's lifes are in jeopardy."

And with that, I passed out, and was soon hit with waves of darkness. Some from oblivion, others from the shadows that dance inside my heart, screaming to get out and take control.

Okay so were doing this....


Sorry, but I had too. Ive never thought that Gregor was a Rager, so I wanted to explain that best I could. Sorry that both of these are short. And Vikus has always been caring, and Ive wanted to do a chaptor with him.

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