C H A P T E R 2

524 11 5

Luxas p.o.v

    I sat on my bed, draped in a beautiful lavender long trimmed dress in the palace. I was constantly playing with my hair until finally, I cut part if it off, turning my long hair into a bobcut.

I was, to put it simply, tedious. Each day melded together with the next creating an on going cycle. Ripred didn't help. He helped when it came to working and plans and, most importantly, storytellimg. But he was inside his own world.

Hazard isn't much help either. He tries, though. He passionate and sweet and always makes me smile. Innocent. Sometimes, I think that, Hazard was supposed to be the peace maker. He was just so kind. But I dought it.

Not even Aurora, My bond, My closest friend could aid me of the nightmares. Not even she could make them stop. She'd hug me, support me, tell me everything's going to be well again. I try to believe her, I want to believe her, but I cant. Nothing ever works.

I dangled the crown on my foot as dark thoughts entered my mind. Death. Discrimination. Lies. Pain. Responsibility. Tears. Each word dove me deeper inside a black drift of nothingness, locking me away.

I skipped the big meeting. Instead, I sat on my bed and cried. Why. Deeper and deeper I went until I could barely take it anymore. Then there was a soft knock on the door. I sniffled quietly and made no attempt to open my door. I simply dove my head in my hands.

Soon the knocking stopped. I stared at my hands and then at my desk. I walked forward it and stared at the photo. Gregor and I, dancing. Right when he lifted me into the air. We were smiling, laughing something that was rarely associated with us.

Memory after memory went by. The darkness that had been consuming me dove away at a sudden change of mind.

"We were kind before," I whispered wearily, with my head stained, " We can be kind once more."

I lifted the picture up and then kissed him.

Even when he wasn't around, he always protected me from everything that hurt.

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