C H A P T O R 12

228 4 1

Lizzies P.O.V


That was the only word I could process.

I watched as my friends, family, drew into battle. Even Maggie got out her sword. But I couldnt move. I gripped my copper blade and felt my breath become more hitched. I had no words to decribe my displeasure. I was uneasy and certainly having a panic attack.

"Lizzie!" I heard a shout coming from the left of me. Luxa. "Remember what I taught you" with that she tilted her sword and shedded five cutters around her, did a backflip and landed on Auroras back, intent on finding her next target.

Finding that most of the cutters were distracted , the Queens guild I suppose, I rushed over to Howard and Nike, pulled out my sword and shoveled away as much dirt as I could without breaking an arm.

Howard let out a gasp and held his side.

"Are... you... okay!" I let out, my pauses less significant.

"Yes" Nike Growled, "But there are far worst things to be noted."

I turned around and noticed Gregor, standing before the Queen.

He wasnt injured, but in comparison to the leader of the cutters, he looked pitiful.

"How dare you come back here warrior" While she didnt yell, quite the contary actually it was more like a bittersweet hiss, her words boomed in our ears.

"How dare I?" Gregor questioned, a strange look possessed his face, "It is you who has done wrong."

She growled and pointed, a dozen cutters loomed at Gregor, but he simply lifted his chin and gave them a look. They all backed away.

Strange, I thought, though I knew why. While Gregor may look like a tall slender nine year old he had a hard of gold, and had taken down the Gnawers within a year. He was a force to be reckoned with.

"What is wrong with you alls" She cryed.

She let out a sigh, and for once I noticed almost everyone but Ripred, I and Nike and Howard had been captured. Well, Gregor too but...it seemed that would soon change.

"I suppose Ill just do it myself."

She lifted herself to her grand height, approximately as tall as 27 ft, and loomed over the boy who had ruined her quart, with or without his knowledge.

Gregors face gave away nothing, except for the tear down his cheek. "Forgive me" he whispered, as the Queen looked him over.

"You terrible Overlander" She spoke with burning passion, "You have ruined my land, destroyed my ally's and everything that I have done. How could you"

Gregor sighed and lifted his head, "The Question is, my friend," he said bitterly, "How could you."

At that, Luxa, who had managed to get away from her captors and a silent attack, swooped in on Aurora, "I hope you never take another breath!" She said and drew her sword into her highnesses back.

The Queen made an inhuman sound and dramaticly fell forward. All of the others drew away, speeking in the language of the Queen.

"How do you like kissing the dirt." She muttered, before turning to Gregor.

The two spoke for a momment before returing to the others.

I dropped my sword and sat down, breathing hard. I didnt do much but, all of it gave me a glimpse at what my brother had felt. But even then, I truly didnt know, I would never know.

I turned toward Gregor, who was practically a statue, watching everyone else, basking in the light from the glowstone in the cavern walls.

Slowly I walked over and wraped my arms around him. At first, he drew away, but he quickly returned it.

"Hes not here" I said.

"The Bane is not here."

Okay, I updated. Kinda dont know what Im going to do next.

Btw, I made it so that the Queen reminded Gregor of his encounter with the Bane, so yeah thats what that was. Fun. Ummm. Yeah, give me ideas.

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