C H A P T E R 5

474 13 1

Gregors P.O.V.
I took a step back to understand what Luxa said. Missing. But how. Then I remembered the twisting tunnels the clawing rats with their terrible words. Howard could have been eaten for all he knew.

"Where did you see them last?" I asked.

Luxa pushed a piece of her hair away from her face and spoke softly, "The last time we heard from them was weeks ago. They were going on a picnic to celebrate them bonding."

"When they did not return we grew worried. We sent for a search party to find them but they all came back, empty handed with sorrow faces." She them pulled something from her gown. "Now WE must find them, and figure out the culprit(s). She lifted the object so I could see it.

Me and Luxa, dancing. One of the very few times where we weren't dying. I know what she meant. If the soldiers couldn't find them then we would half to.

I nodded, completely agreeing with her. "Well, if your done with your little reunion then can we please get on with it." Ripred snapped.

I jumped, remembering that I had an audience. I turned to my sisters. They nodded in agreement.

"You won't tell the Council, will you?" She asked.

"Course not. This is important. The rat said, "Plus why would I do that to my bond?."

Without ansering, Luxa called for Aurora who fluttered her golden wings in responce. "We are traveling to Regalia." She said apsently. The bat nodded and turned to us.

I moved fluently, understanding what they both meant and I quickly got on Aurora. My sisters followed and we lifted into the air.
The trip was rather uneventful, accept for the accationale cough from Maggie or a squeak of fear from Lizzie.

Luxa turned to me, her hair flying in the wind. "We have arrived." I blinked. Really. I felt tired and had nearly fallen asleep, so I had not noticed to people clearing away so Aurora could land.

Lizzie gripped my hand as we were surrounding by people asking questions and cheering. Eventually the space was cleared by Guards, who escorted us to where my friends were gathered. The elegant halls and torches gave me an immediate sense of Dega Vu.

Soon we reached a curtain. I recognized it quickly. The Luxary room, which is where my friends usually hung around and chatted when they weren't getting slautered or tormented by an ongoing war. Happily, that war was over.

Luxa moved the curtain aside to reveal Vikus, Mareth and Hazard. I caught the old man's eyes and he gave me a welcoming smile.
Hazard and Mareth stopped talked and stared at us in shock.

"Gregor?" Vikus said, standing up.
The guy looked much better than the last time I saw him. Instead of bedridden he was apparently up and about. While he smiled lopsided and uneven, and his right side looked curved and sloped, it wasn't hard to grin at him.

"Vikus, nice to see ya." Surprising me, Vikus pulled me into an embrace, though I could not complain. "You do not know how good it is to see you." He said.

Hazard rushed over and hugged Maggie, which kinda shocked me. Then he hugged Lizzie. "Boots, it's so good to see you."

" I go by Maggie now." She said simply, tugging on a braid. Though she could not hide the smile tugging at her lips.

After a moment, we settled down into the sofas and the room grew quiet. All warmth gone from her voice, Luxa asked, "Any word from them." 'Them' had to be Howard and Nike, I knew. Luxa addrusted to golden crown on her head and waited for her Grandfather to answer.

"No saddly." He said.

The room was silent once more, and I chose not to speak.

Suddenly the door opened and a girl entered the room. She was small and bony. Her silvery hair was tucked into a messy set of braids. Her violet eyes were wild and unfocused. Nerrisa.

"A... Message...Luxa..." She managed to squeak out before collapsing on the floor.

Well, I decided to continue it. This time I'm gonna try. Plus I already have half the story planned out...

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