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Sarek observed the young Vulcan woman before him. She was as he expected her to be- beautiful in the traditional ways of his race. Stoic, as is custom, and precise and exact in her mannerisms, as she had been trained to be. And he found, in his observance of her, that she was everything he did not want.

During his journey to Vulcan, he had had ample time to reflect upon the past two months with Amanda- and he realized that he had begun to enjoy the freedom that passions granted. The freedom to laugh, to express and to enjoy. Though he could not indulge in such passions himself, he found that he immensely enjoyed experiencing them through her.

And as he gazed upon the solemn visage of the beautiful Vulcan woman before him, he felt as if a heavy chain was being squeezed around his heart.

Sarek sat in silence across from T'Pau and T'Para. T'Pau was the only one speaking.

"In three days you will meet with T'Para's family, to have the formal discussions. Before I came to them to seek her as your mate, they were in tentative agreement that she would bond with a scientist. It was agreed that this match is more advantageous, although they did insist on speaking with you before the final arrangements are made. However, there is every reason to believe that this is only a formality. They have assured me that T'Para is yours."

A possession. An object. A servant.

After living among humans for five months- and having especially close contact with one of them- Sarek had learned to recognize even the tiniest of emotional responses. He found T'Para's sudden blinking and lowering of her eyes at the mention of the scientist to be...interesting.

It appeared that he was not the only one being forced into this match.

"Upon official agreement, the ceremony will be scheduled before you leave for Earth once more." T'Pau continued. "T'Para will await you here. She is a geneticist, and her work is here, in Shi'Kahr."

Sarek listened with little interest to his aunt's words. His resentment towards her was growing with every passing second. This woman, T'Para, had already been promised to another until T'Pau stepped in. Why could she not have simply left them alone? They had both had mates- even if Sarek's had not been definite enough for T'Pau's comfort. Anger began to rise within him, his blood setting to boil.

T'Pau was still speaking. T'Para was looking at the floor, her hands folded in her lap, back straight. As he surveyed the woman who was intended to become his wife, he felt a deep pang within him.

He could not allow this. This woman, this T'Para- she would never mean anything to him. He would be bound to her and she to him- and there would be nothing between them. No passion. No romance. No laughter. No fulfillment. They would perform their duties as husband and wife- but there would be no real connection. Not like what he had forged with Amanda.

He wanted to fight for her. But how? What could he say to change the situation? True, the betrothal to T'Para was not yet in place. But there was little time, and nothing that he could do to convince both T'Pau and the Council that Amanda was an acceptable bond mate. Not to mention that T'Para's family would be displeased if the S'chn T'gai clan suddenly changed their minds.

But as he looked across the room, toward T'Para- who was still not looking at him- he felt something other than despair or anger for the first time in a week.

Determination. He needed a plan- and soon, if he were to spare both T'Para and himself.

"Ambassador Sarek, you may enter the Council chamber." came a deep, resonating voice from within the room beyond the open doors. Sarek moved forward, steeling himself- he knew what was to come.

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