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Finally, sitting in my serene condominium in peace. Enjoying my strawberry frappuccino that I purchased from Starbucks a while back and watching The Breakfast Club on Netflix. I’ve been waiting for a Saturday afternoon like this, especially when today’s forecast is nothing but soothing rain. Having at least a best friend to sit and watch an eighties movie with me would be nice, but I’m fine with myself; since I don’t have anytime for myself anyway.

This little business that I consider is taking over my life. I’m trying to stay away from stressing out. But I surely know that my body is stressing out. Probably today is finally a day that my body is reclining. This raw career that I have is more kinesthetic. It can be fun, and there’s days that it can be uncalled for. Yeah, like I wish that I never got myself involved in this type of deep shit. But I have to keep it up in order to earn a great amount of money. And all it takes is confidence, sweat, and my penis.

I’ve been an adult entertainment star for three years now. In case you’re wondering, I’m twenty-one; so I’ve been introduced to pornography when I was eighteen. The foolish part about it, I was just attending to college; which that was University of California. Long story on how I sorta got interested, because I would hate to spoil a good part early. I’m allowed to spill that I dropped out on my sophomore year. The money was fulfilling my mind than anything else. After filming on those nights that I knew that I had classes that’ll start in several hours, I realized that I could never have time for my education any longer. I got kick out of a class for because I missed three days. I had more classes but I didn’t feel like having my schedule contorted.

Yes, I had to admit. I was one student that would earn A’s without a problem when I was in high school.

But overall, you think my decision on dropping out of college just to work on porn is stupid? I should be able to agree with you. Most times I just wish that I had a time machine so I could reverse that big and stupid resolution.

Suddenly, my phone glowed next to me and it appeared a text message. I grew five percent of excitement me when I realized that my best friend Justice sent me a message after two or three days. I picked it up and unlocked my device to view the text better.

‘Hey! Do you think that we should forgive each other already and make it up by hanging out tonight?’

Oh, right. Now I don’t know should I reply back to this one. If you can tell by the message, like three days ago, we got into an argument. Trying to become one best friend, Justice tried to convince me to reject this raw career; knowing if I reject right here and right now, it’s gonna make a power struggle. I tried to make her understand, but she continued to stood up on what she believed. It makes me livid when people refuse to understand my perspective.

‘you should know by now that I don’t easily forgive.’  I simply replied and sent it. That message seem to be nonchalant. That’s how it suppose to be after three days from a argument.

Before I could even set my phone on standby, she sent another message. I could tell that she feel guilty and hate the fact of being ignored according to what this text says. So I apologize for that but can’t help that she have to face the consequences.

‘Well, I’m so sorry for trying to stop you. I was only trying to choose out what’s best but if you enjoy what you got, enjoy it. idk will you regret it anymore.’

Knowing that I can’t accept her apology simply, I kept replying so subtle.


I’m not a mean person—not even close on being mean. I’m actually a sweetheart that others describe me as. However, I can’t allow people to run over or take advantage of me for their satisfaction. You see that I can’t accept Justice’s apology just with a snap. I just love it when people become physically or verbally creative on apologizing that it can be in order for me to approve it.

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