Ch. IV - Average Dishonesty.

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[ Chresanto. ]

Currently, I’m driving my way to this small valley hill that’s located on the other side of Calabasas. When plenty of things are flooded in my mind, I incline to spend my time gazing at the stars and the moon that’s setting in the nightly sky; especially when it’s two o’clock in the morning. Relaxing on a hill at the middle of the night is my best recommendation. It works during the day, but I’m always busy in the daylight hours. Unfortunately, my friends have no clue that I do this as a hobby. And if I do tell them, they will become judging motherfuckers.

Finally, I parked my car, grabbed my soft textured towel from the passenger seat, and left my vehicle stranded in the rocky parking lot. As I’m in my pajamas [just a random grey fitted shirt and green and black plaid pajama pants] and slippers, I started walked up to the grassy hill, made it to my favorite spot on the hilltop, covered it with the towel, and definitely made myself comfortable.

Instead of having a blunt because I don’t do anything of that shit, this is my drug. The sound of the loud crickets, the howling of hidden wolves (or probably mountain lions), and the vivid moonlight whenever the moon is rooming in, this is my type of peace. It allows me to think freely. There has been couple of times that I’ve fell asleep here; so this time, I don’t mind if I drift off to sleep here. The mountain lions can be able to look and dash to me as some free buffet.

Okay, maybe I’ll take that back. I do want this setting to be my death place, but not too soon. Twenty years isn’t enough. I haven’t succeed everything I wanna succeed in life yet! Haha.

[ Jay. ]

“I’m goin’ to sleep now,” I lied over the phone as I’m driving my way to my favorite destination. “Goodnight, Justin.”

Before he could speak again, I ended the call and carelessly dropped my phone in the cup holder, putting the other hand on the steering wheel afterwards.

“Vultures like him…” I growled to myself, shaking my head while maintaining my eyes on the road.

After trying to adjust my thoughts together a few moments ahead, I’ve reached the stranded valley hill. I pulled up and positioned my Jeep Wrangler next to a random vehicle. This is like the first car I’ve seen parked here at this time of night… or morning. But I don’t know should I assume on are they locating on the top of the hill.

Shrugging the thought away, I banished out of my vehicle, shut my door, and begin taking the sandy and partially rocky path that can lead me up on the hill. I just realize that I stuffed my phone in my pocket, knowing that I should leave it in the car. At least it’s sitting on vibrate. After I made it to the higher elevation, I visualized the moon and the scattered stars better; just like how I wanted. Before I get to adore the prodigious features the after dark sky has, I glimpsed at a humanly figure that claimed my territory on the grassy green hill. Each little step I took, it seemed to be a male. A male that’s unwinding on his very own plaid designed towel—that it look like it should be used for a picnic. His eyes is sealed close and enjoying the slight breeze that’s rushing through.

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