Ch. XI - Promiscuous vs. Chaste.

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omg random interruption; i've been updated for three nights straight, something that i rarely do. c: but whoever love this story, i truly apprepiate that! even though it feels like i'm lagging in eveything i write. there's more chapters after this chapter in my drafts and idk should i update daily now bc this would be less to no interesting to y'all... 



[ Jay. ]

“Mm–oh God,” I sensually moaned in excitement. “You like it when I ride you baby?”

“Hell yeah,” Chresanto mumbled, making out with my neck and bracing on my waist as I’m making my bed doing continuous squeaks.

It’s the middle of three something in the morning and we got pretty bored. Both of us was restless and Chres didn’t wanna return back to his crib, because he enjoyed keeping me company. Either me or Chresanto came up the idea of lose his virginity in order to kill boredom. I’m just glad my baby is enjoying this. I would do anything to give him my best satisfaction.

I fucked a few guys, but damn this guy got the best dick just to be a virgin. Well, I don’t know why I’m still considering him one when we’re right here screwing.

As this room is filled with beforehand moans, swears, and lust in the air, the door unexpectedly knocked.

And it switched me into a room that was dark, but the only light was my living room television and the burgundy streetlights that I can see through my curtain-closed windows. I visualized that I’m bundled up in my thin, relaxing fabric blanket and laying on my couch. My door knocked again as I was rubbing my eyes, obscuring my vision.

Then I come to realize that I had a dream. ANOTHER naughty dream of Chresanto.

“What the fuuuuUUUUCK?!” I loudly groaned in frustration, kicking my favorite blanket off me until it lands on the floor. “Urgh!”

“Well I’ll leave then,” the voice of the star of that sinful dream was at the door.

I laughed as I’m getting up for the floor. “Don’t leave.”

It’s totally a coincidence because I was just dreaming of him and in reality, he’s here. Maybe somewhat spamming in his phone full of texts did help; and yes I do feel totally worse-some. This is the first time I’m hearing from him as of tonight and I just wanted to know is he’s okay.

With a cheerful smile on my face, I opened the door. I’m guessing that he haven’t been home yet because he’s in his ordinary Apple threads, but he might’ve removed his name tag.

“Come on in babe,” I acknowledged, leaving him at the door.

Chresanto entered in, closed the door, and bearably looked around the scene of this condominium. “Why the hell is dark in here?”

“When being calm and collected here alone, I’m not a fan of the lights,” I interpreted. “You’re afraid of the dark?”

“No. But here you go,” he exposed a marvelous rose in front of him. Appreciation from the vivid television, I can see that he pulled off a heartily smile. “I know we only made it official last night.”

I couldn’t help but to beam warmly. I knew the next day, Chresanto would become more saccharine. Avoiding a guy like this is impossible and it could be confusing to you; you know that I wanted someone that could take my heart sedately. Having someone to give me a rose just to show how much love they already got for me, is sincerely the first thing that ever happened. The beautiful part, the single rose weren’t plastic. I want to cry, but surprisingly, there’s no tears available at this moment.

Also, why I’m having a feeling that Chresanto could change me, lackadaisically?

“You are so sweet,” I purred, clutched on the rose stem and tenderly collide my lips on his. “Why d’you do it?”

“I was chillin’ on the hill afta’ work and found a bush of roses,” Chresanto explained. “So I thought about ya’.”

“Aww, and I just had a dream about you when I was taking a short time nap,” I exulted.

Since we’re together now, I should tell him even though, he might laugh. I’m trying not to become emotional on what Chresanto just said. He’s just so altogether beautiful, inside and out. Something about him at this point is making me sparkling even when I don’t want to be. I know it’s impervious to gain all these weird feelings more than twenty-fours after we called it official. He was my crush for a while so sometimes I pretended that we was a couple—just pretended on those time that I keep playing with myself and moaning his name.

“What did we do?” Chresanto questioned curiously.

“We fucked, okay?” I intentionally blurted, chuckling to match the mood. “And that ended when you came up knocking.”

He chortled, like that was actually funny. “Wow. Considerin’ that I am celibate, that dream seemed dope.”

“What’s celibate?” I was disquisitive and confused in my catechism. “Because it sound so common with celery.”

“No, it’s… never mind,” he guffawed, scrolling over and sitting on my couch—the one that I was just resting in. “I see you watch Wizards of Waverly Place.”

I see that he avoided answering my question. Just in case this “celibate” is extremely something personal and he’s not ready for me to know, I decided to mentally praise for that digression and sit myself down next to Chres; or I can finally address him as my boyfriend.

Chresanto is my boyfriend, my boyfriend is Chresanto. And sometimes it’s hard to face reality whenever I mention that to myself.

I picked up my blanket and put it aside. “Yeah for certain nights I get comfortable and watch a bunch of Disney flashbacks,” I annotated as we’re looking at the television.

“You actually get pretty lonely?” he asked, sounded like he was a little concerned but I won’t get my hopes up.

Also, we decided to get lazy on this couch by slouching. He started it first.

“I choose to when I have chances,” I replied. “Why you asked?”

“Right now, I’m too damn tired to drive back to the crib, and I’m lucky I’on have to work tomar’ and this weekend,” he explained after a yawn. He does seems a little worn out. “I was wonderin’ can I be yo’ roommate for the night?”

Suddenly, I was spanning happiness, but I tried my best not to show it. This time and unlike that other night, he have the preference to stay over. I don’t know what to do with myself.

Also on what he just asked me, I’m trying my best to think of NOT anything sexual.

“Baby… you’re welcomed here to stay anytime you want,” I advised, in a amorous mood, glancing at him with a smirk. “I told you once on don’t act like a stranger.”

“A’ight, I’m sleepin’ in here though,” Chresanto mumbled.

“Nope, you’re sleeping with me,” I opposed, then I recapped on what I said. “I mean, in my room and I’ll share my space.”

“Haha, y’know you didn’t had ta’ explain,” he chuckled, which sounded somewhat raspy. “But I ain’t gonna argue back so I’ll sleep in yo’ room then. In yo’ comfortable ass bed.”

“Just what I thought,” I remarked. “And what’s the name of the cologne you’re wearing? It smells pretty amazing.”

Finally, I managed to ask him that. It’s been tossed out of my mind and come back when I smell it. It never fails to turn me on. Like I would beg him to get naked here and now.

“I’m not wearnin’ no cologne,” Chresanto said in a confused tone.

I was getting bewildered. “Then why you smell so good all the damn time?”

“Just ‘cuz I lathered myself wit’ cheap Axe body wash several hours ago,” he laughed. “And maybe the days before then. Cologne is the least I spray on myself unless I’m goin’ somewhere formal.”

The dumbfounded feeling came to me. Not only the scent is stuck on his clothes, it’s stuck on his body. Now, I think it’s a great idea to show the feeling towards redolence, since he is mines now.

I slyly made my way to cover his lap, just like I did on the first time I invite him over—which it was like almost two weeks ago, but this time, there’s no weed in our system. I wish but the drug dealer that lives upstairs is M.I.A. No weed until who knows when he comes back; unless I go to Justin’s place to do some roll up.

Nah, forget it. The upstairs drug dealer got the best shit. I don’t gotta roll the blunt up myself!

“Well it turns me on,” I confessed, as my emotions was trapped in prurience.

“For real?” Chresanto muttered, his voice was still stuck in gravelly and it sounded arousing to my ears.

I was pretty close up to the point that  I was centimeters away from kissing him. If he’s caught up in the pruriency caprice, I’m doing a hella great job.

“Yeah,” I whispered.

“And wait a minute,” he warned me, before I get to claim those lips again. “Why I feel like someway somehow you tryna get in my pants?”

“I did this the last time,” I simply proved.

“We was kinda faded and I’on think you would do this again to show me what if we was sexual related,” Chresanto elucidated in a serious tone.

Damn. I think he’s on to me. This sensual feeling dominated me so much that I wanna suggest him that he should cop his virginity to me near sooner.

“Sooner or later, we’ll become sexual related,” I affirmed. “Look, being a virgin that you are, you have a hot body and you’re making it worse for me to avoid getting attracted to it. But please don’t think that the only thing of you I’m attracted to.”

“I hope you not lyin’ to me on that one,” he retorted, still in a austere demeanor. “Please don’t tell me that you ANOTHA’ person that’s thirsty for me to quit bein’ celibate.”

“I would like to know what the hell is that,” I adequately snapped.

“I ain’t fuckin’ anyone until I put a ring on someone,” he grumbled, nearly annoyed. “Beyond the fiancé stage as well, alright? Now get off of me.”

Suddenly, I bonded a shocked beholding at Chresanto, who look more serious due to his words. My world had exactly turned upside down. Hell, I was puzzled in my own damn world. A guy like Chresanto is aiming to have sex after marriage? This explains why he’s a virgin at age twenty?

I’m fucking wrecked.

“Whaa—why?” I questioned in worry after getting off him.

“That question didn’t really seem curious so never the fuck mind on stayin’,” Chresanto hopped in and headed to the door. “See you tomar’ sometimes.”

“No Chre—” He abruptly exited as I got up from the couch.

Just for that, I exhaled deeply and carelessly plop back on the couch. That wasn’t exactly how this night together should be. When he described what this “celibate” is, his inference is incessantly replaying in my head. I was having high hopes that anytime soon, whenever he’s ready, he would give me his innocence. In my future, getting married is nowhere on the list. Maybe it cost that expensive earn Chresanto’s trust, or for him to have my trust.

I’m not gonna dump him just for the abstinence; that’ll be pretty wrong and obviously leaving him to think I’m just in the relationship for sex. I’m just pondering on what should we do together that’s doesn’t interfere lust. Being one aphrodisiac guy, this is gonna be pretty damn complicated. I always make love to someone that I end up in a relationship with; whether my mate and I feels lovey dovey or stressed out.

Fuck. What’s gonna mess me up next? Ray Ray is giving me until next week to tell Chresanto the truth about what I do, knowing that his ass should let me to spill it anytime is the right time… when no time is the correct time because I don’t want to know how Chres would take it.

To drive the stress away, I picked up my phone off the table. I unlocked the Apple device and see that I had a text. I opened the app and it was from Jaden:

‘Who’s on your hit list?’

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