Ch. XX - Rx.

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[ Jay. ]

Waking up with a light smile appearing on your face is something rare.

When trying to close my eyes to fall asleep some more, I finally gave up because the sun rays is kindling my room, though the large windows that’s coated by the dark-toned curtains. The sun looked like it just revealed some moments ago and now using the opportunity to expand vividly, then it’ll minimize the brightness real sooner. I snapped my head over to my digital alarm clock as my right wrist is chilling underneath my pillow. The clock displayed 7:21 with it’s blinking colons. I usually don’t even get up this early on a Sunday morning… or any day of the week, matter of fact.

But anyways, I was about to rotate myself until I noticed Chresanto’s left arm is trapping my stomach. He still sleeping but this time, his face is planted in my pillow as he’s resting on his stomach. This guy is sleeping in one of the awkward positions but he’s still look peaceful in my eyes. It made the scene of him peaceful because he slept without a shirt, and neither did I. Both of us has been undressed for a while now.

Of course I knew what happened several hours back, detail from detail. And just reflecting on it, my content smile returned back as I’m staring at the ceiling. It was the most perfect night that existed. So perfect, that there’s no way to undo anything. I had to classify it as perfect because soon we entered and continued here in this room, the ambience around us was nothing but love. Knowing it’s considered as something sinful, but that moment felt like something heavenly; if you get what I’m saying. I’m so happy that I can’t even describe anything on how I should described it as. So I’m sorry for what confusion I’m causing. Chresanto decided to have the magical part of our devotion to come early, and I feel like that changed me overtime. Like my sick-twisted seductive personality probably won’t be the major side of me anymore.

Ha. It feels like I lost my virginity instead. It’s so funny because I do pornography, and I’ve never felt this type of vibe before. Maybe Chres is actually the person that I need for the remainder of my life. I sound cheesy as hell, but I’m probably right.

I removed his arm from me and got up from my bed. Yeah, Chresanto is one heavy sleeper. Just to be generous, I put more covers on him. Last night, the both of us was hot that I had to blast on the air conditioning and I never bothered to power it off after we hopped in the shower together. So it automatically turned off and left winter breeze. The coldness didn’t really bother me since I figure that I want to saunter around this condo naked. It’s one awkward thing I do when I don’t have the intentions to find some clothes to throw on. Having an interesting, toned body does come in handy.

After cleansing my face with warm water in the bathroom, my last destination was the kitchen. I opened one of the cabinets that’s about the stove and grabbed an half box of pancake mix. It’s a half (but it feels almost empty) because whenever Rebecca’s here, she kill the fuck out of making pancakes when it’s only just the two of us. But anyways, I scrolled over to my black plastic dish drainer to pull out a large bowl, glass measuring cup, and mixing spoon. Since I’m at the sink, I turned on the water faucet and replete the glass cup with the appropriate amount of water. I poured the last amount of powder pancake mix in the plastic bowl, and made the water follow along. Then, that’s when the mixing spoon had to take the roll until the substance was thick enough for the skillet.

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