Ch. VII - Unstable.

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[ Jay. ]

The mid-morning natural sunlight was coruscating in my bedroom from the curtained windows. I began to flutter my eyes open and my vision was blurry—but getting normally clearer by the second. I felt my head beginning to moderately throb, but I ignored the feeling because it usually come from marijuana; so that don’t really faze me. My eyes was shifting left to right, and I realized that I slept in my clothes that I wore throughout yesterday. After glaring at my sweatpants, I found out that my head is resting on a breathing torso instead of a fluffy pillow.

I remember who I was chilling all night with. I calmly lifted my head and looked up at his face. Damn, he looks so freaking adorable and peaceful when his sleeping. Usually, I would be cautious but I’m far from that. I wanna scream (in excitement) my head off.


I would say ‘in’, but we’re fully clothed. No… I can’t have lustful thoughts of this virgin just yet. Virgins ridiculously reminds me of children, and you don’t want to have dirty thoughts of a child.

I was staring and blushing at his face that’s nothing but sex that I didn’t looked over at my alarm clock. And that’s always the first habitual routine soon I wake up in bed. The alarm clock showed the time 11:10 as the colons was blinking. That suddenly crushed my mood that my face sort of flushed. As much I’d love for him to continue to sleep for the remainder of the time, he have to go.

I gently tap and shake him, until he inhaled deeply and instantly opened his eyes. I didn’t wanna do it, but I have no idea what he plans for this day, which is the second day of the week. Anybody can have something to do on a Monday. Back to reality, Chresanto lift his head up and was beginning to glanced around the room bemusedly, because I know most of that marijuana took his memory on how he got here.

“Goodmorning,” I greeted, knowing it was awkward because he’s still looking around. Lemme explained before he gets more confused. “Last ni—I mean during near three something in the morning, I asked do you want me to take you back home and you said that you was too tired to move around. So I let you come and sleep here.”

And I wanted to sleep too, next to him.

“Why the hell I gotta terrible headache?” he squinted his head, holding the right side of his head.

“That’s what mariju—”

“—Oh shit!” Chresanto interjected and lunged up from my bed after viewing what time is it. “I’m late for work!”

I knew that it’ll be a con on what if we spend some time together. I mentally face-palmed as he’s heading to the living room to put on his shoes that’s next to the door when you leave out. Since I realized that I was the one that brought him here, I got from my bed to enter my kitchen to grab my keys.  

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