Entry 1 11152017

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I was sitting outside our doorway and it started raining so I went inside gone to the roof to taste the rain.

Sometimes I think that my parents were useless but my heart kepts saying no...

*Okay yoh it's the author and yes if a parent is reading this um so sorry to say it but its about my life and I know your children are feeling it also but this is a story but I appreciated that I have a family okay i love my family okay back the story*

I took a nap on the roof cause its hot inside the house. I think I already forgot to eat my mum is calling so we could eat.

So im done eating my supper and it’s super yummy its a Filipino food “adobo” so yummy.

Okay let's start then,
Hi, my name is Fatima Manaig. I'm 18 years old and I live in Canada.

My hobbies are writing and drawing but mostly I like writing so you could think that I'm just with my mum nope.

There's a story about my family.

*dear readers this could be horrible*

Let's start to my father, my father  always goes to street clubs and he was a Muslim so he has a wife but he lives in Pakistan so my father was here at Canada. So he always goes to street clubs one day my father who goes to a street club he see's this 18 year old girl that was a virgin and something happen they done this:👌👈 yah I know its horrible but he done it to her so she knew it, then told to my father then he told her that the baby wasn't from him and he told that the baby comes from his boyfriend yah so dumb!

I think 7 month later they got to the hospital and she was going to let the baby out but my father was not helpful he was greedy to his money the girl was just drinking water not milk so when the baby got out my father refused the baby because he was saying that its wasn't from him so he left them at the hospital an hour later a beautiful women walked down and then asked the lady why was she's crying.

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