Entry 5 12012017

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Today we are getting ready to go to Portland the flight was today I'll see you later at midnight


Okay were at the airport and just waiting talking and stuff. But I still can't believed what Anthony told me it was so freaky weird and super romantic but I'll try to ask him about it I'm so curios why he'd tell those things.


The speakers are calling us and we two are running cause we slept a little bit hehehe I'll see you at the plane.

Okay were here at the plane and just waiting and stuff so the flight was going to be 2 hours I told Anthony to sleep but when I saw him he's already sleeping hahaha cute.

But still thinking about those words making me blush but I still dont know mabye his talking about someone else but the same name idk man so much to think.
But I'll try to sleep a little and BTW can't wait to see dawnie as fuck she texted me yesturday she said "she'll be waiting at the airport" I said  "okay".

1 in a half hours slept

Well goodmorning me and Anthony woke up at the same time and funny thing when we worked up I said "good morning baby" hahaha and he said "good morning babe' hahhah then we were really woked up then we bought said "sorry I was dreaming something" then we forgive each other.

Wait here again the flight attendant "told me to keep my journal" so yah brb...

So I'm back and we landed and we gone out and it was super freezing and Anthony was so sweet to give his jacket to me he said "he will get our bags and just wait at the exit" when I was going to the exit I notice dawnieeeee I was super happy and crying cause I missed her so much as fuck and she kepts asking how are you, how are you and I kept saying I'm fine super fine and it was really cool to see your friend then I told her "to wait because Anthony got our bags" then he just came dawnie said "come on put your bags at the trunk" I said "okay" and said "thanks" after.

So the day started and first I saw dawnies apartment super cool 2 beds and like ahh its just super cool.

After fixing everything  dawnie gave us a chocomallow drink with those small marshmallows very cute. I was about to give Anthony's choco and I saw him changing ang I noticed his good ass body like ahhh his super cute his biceps his abs are super amazing but I wasnt that type of girl to watch people getting dressed so I left his choco at the table. After that I went to my room and I was walking I bump at Anthony's chest and I felt his abs and ahhhh omg its super goddamn ahhhh, but he asked me "if I'm okay" I said "yeah I'm fine just need to change oh BTW your Choco is at the table dawnie made it say thank you OK?". And he said "I will" he said. So I gone to the bathroom and change to joggers and a hoddie cause it cold as hell. Then dawnie ask "why did we go here  unexpected?" I said "my father is hunting me cause they wanted me to get fixed marriage" and Anthony asked "who are you going to marry?" I said "my cousins" and he said "wattt thats horrible" and I said "yes". So after we talk I told to dawnie "we will explore the world so my father can't tracked me until I'll file a case about him" and Anthony asked "if its okay if he'll help?" I said "okay". Then so we called it a day.

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