Anthony Medina here....

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Hi I'm Anthony Medina and I have a Promblem well me and Dawnie had this problem Fatima was taken by someone she left everything here and I can't stand, its been 1 week and shes not coming back.

I'm scared, did her father took her?
Did someone kidnapped her?
What is happening??!?!

Wait the doorbell rang I'll go check it...
Its a letter its says here....

Hello Anthony
I've took Fatima

And there's nothing you could do...
Except youll give me an autograph from the k-pop  band...
BTS you need to autograph
Rap Monster
And you need to give it to me by one week and I'll let go Fatima.
But if not goodbye to you love hahhahaha good luck!

What the fuck who the fuck is this guy telll something like those what the fuck I need to call dawnie she said she's going mcdo...

Well I called her and she said okay but the person who told at the letter before one week can we do those?
Holy shit! Sorry if I swore to Much but I'm getting really scared if we dont do it. I think we can, cause dawnie is an expert of bts and I know she also knows Korea better I hope so...

Oh BTW I dont want to read Fatima's journal I font do does but I hope she'll be ok.

Okay we already settled our flight to korea and I just okay be relax I never felt this ever when I told about Sydney about falling in love with her. I know that I was just to older for her but and she right.

BTW tomorrow we will go to the airport to go to Korea. Okay BTW I'm just here at Fatima's desk its really cute she really is a cute girl hhehhe I ment teen but I really what she done to the old table its just cool as fuck hehehe.

Believed it or not she is kinda messy hehehe and yes I shall take over her journal. BTW if she already told to this journal but she bought me that hoodie and it was so cool I loved the cloth and it just comfy.

Well idk but not much to write cause I have only little brain to imagine hehheh but I'm trying to BTW I just took a bath and damn its cold today just wearing boxers and. Sleveles t shirt white hehheh she told me once it's great to see me wearing sleeves less and yeah I agree but I dont much wanna let my muscles out but I kinda like what she said so I'll respect it.

Hehehe been writing for awhile now I need to eat and watch some bids at YouTube and just call it a night hehehehhe okay boi!!!

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