Entry 11 12212017

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Damn we should be buying or decorating oh BTW its like 5:29 am cause mum is worried.
Awww wait BTW me and everyone with Charles drank wines hhahah it was like a party. Cause after drinking we watched a horror movie I think it was conjuring 2 it was scary but Anthony was super scared and dawnie everyone else.
Hehehe dawnie is holding me so hard like I'm like a teddy heheh and we sang panic at the disco this is gospel, girl girls boys
And then drank beer one glass hehehe we had a deal.

But we all slpet happy hahaha so funny well I'll try to sleep a little cause so tired and I'll see you in the morning.


Morning everyone is already awake but me still at bed writing wait hearing a door creaking oh its Anthony aww he brought food hahaha he said morning he he I said morning also. Then he kissed my forehead omg his lips are so warmmmmmmm

Why am like his hahaha
Damn breakfast waffles and bacon coffee and fries yummmy brb I wanna eat...

Okay I'm back and I can down to bring my food at the kitchen and I asked my sister if theres old Christmas decoration she said yeah
I said okay so I asked to a thong if he could help me and I asked dawnie to buy at the supermarket some ingredients for Christmas. So she said yeah and my brother I'm law James helped her to but the foods.cause he cooks so good.

Okay I'll leave you a bit need to decor....

Heyo okay I'm back dawnie bought the ingredients and we saw a Christmas tree and some small decors for the tree then we stop for a little cause were tired heheh I can't waitttttt


Okay guys today we are going to the mall to buy some clothes for Christmas and some Christmas gift we already had a pick who will me our exchange gifts heheh I got dawnieeee most likely I'll go to the Gucci store to but a Gucci jacket or I go to fully booked and just buy wat I see and I'll buy also wat I want heheh okay um its going to be a bissy day I'll see you at December 24 cause kinda lazy a bit to wrote hhehhe but still try

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