Entry 10 12202017

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Heyooo I'm back and while at it Anthony was here keeping you warm heheh thanks Anthony so....

About what happen well so i remembered that dawnie wanted to cancel her meeting the army and I'm really sad when she said it so I went to a coffee shop nothing with me and just my wallet so then ii saw Charles Says on my old elementary crush I said hi and asked him a favor he said yeah about kinda scarying the both and then after asking those we talked and like laugh for awhile hehehe so fun.

BTW its almost christmas and I was planing to stay here at Korea and like stuff cause no place to go but then I thinker mabye we should all go somewhere else so I asked them Charles said Australia and we all agreed so um me and Charles are going back to Ohio cause I dont have my stuff.

So mabye later we will go now and Anthony and dawnie will go the same time but not on a same plane so sad

So need to go now I'll see you mabye later....


Okay came home safe and sound Charles needs to go back to his hotel to get some stuff.

So um can I tell you something?
I've been keeping this for quite sometimes and I am really can't tell this to anyone so I shall tell it to you so this remember that we found my father at a mall and I was really worried dawnie was to. When she canceled about the bts thing I knew she can't do those things cause she really is a fangirl for life and its hard for her to let it go. Every night I always hear her cry cause of it so thats why I was like letting them autograph all of them and I am really happy she and Anthony were really happy there and I know also that they worry also so yeah...
BTW there was a person who was stalking us I think I still remember who was the person cause its a girl and I knew it was my friend from elementary
She change like literally she doesn't talks to me cause IFK why and like fuck as fuck like who the fuck does those

Thats why I am still with dawnie the best as in really awsome cool Friend.

Hehehe my fwend from UK send me this hehehe

the limelight
of my life,
you are the
one who
makes me
very happy.

when i eat you,
my worries turns
into a pile of stardust,

when i chew
the banana
it reminds me
of you.


when the stardust
enters my stomach
my heart seems
to jump with joy
whenever it circles
through my
digestive system.
Hahaha its really great poetry.

I miss them so much how about next year we all go to UK its great to have a loving freinds hahaha

Okay feeling  hungry...
I'll see you tom cause I shall call it a day for me hehehe

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