Dick x Wally's sister reader |Bro code|

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Requested by robinofyoungjustice

Prompt: A one shot with Dick and a superhero reader who's Wally's sister and Dick likes her but doesn't want to break the bro-code and it's really obvoius he likes the reader but the reader is oblivious.

Enjoy the one shot.


Hi there my name is (Y/n) West. Yes, I know my last name is West. That's because I am the sister of Wally West aka Kid Flash. He is my older brother even though I sometimes get annoyed at that fact but I still love my big brother. Since he is Kid Flash  I've meet his girlfriend Artemis and his team. Oh! And I forgot to mention his bestfriend Richard Grayson or how my brother calls him Dick. It was weird at first when my brother called him that but he seemed to not mind at all in fact anyone that knows him calls him that.

Weird. I know. But I got used to people calling him that along with my red headed brother. 

In all honesty, I feel that his nick name fits him well since he really does have a big you know what. Hahaha just kidding. Seriously though he really is cute and even though my brother doesn't want me to have a boyfriend.

In the beginning I did not care about having a boyfriend since I saw it was pointless to be in a relationship. What I did not realize was that someone had fallen for me and it was none other than my brothers best friend Dick. At first I did not notice that he fell for me until he confessed to me and honestly I was surprised.


I was at the cave waiting for my brother to return from a mission. I wasn't alone though I had Dick to keep me company here at the cave. 

Sadly, for this mission they did not need him but I am glad that he was left behind. Is it selfish of me to say that? "Of course it is (Y/n)." I thought to myself.

I sighed. Dick then turned around and looked at me when I sighed.

" You okay (Y/n)?"

"Yes I'm fine. Just bored and worried about my brother since he is clumsy." I lied.

He giggled, "I'm sure your brother is just fine (Y/n) even if he is clumsy."

"I know." I responded. After that the conversation it went silent. I took out my cellphone to see if any of my friends have sent me any text messages and checking for any updates on social media.

"What are you looking at?" someone asked from right behind me.

I got scared and squealed a little. I looked to see who it was.

"Oh god, Robin don't scare me like that." I said holding a hand over my heart. 

He smiled a bit and giggled again, "Ehehehe Sorry. You just seemed to caught up with what you were doing on your phone that I thought you wouldn't hear me."

"Of course I would have heard you if you called me Dick." I looked at him telling it straight at his face.  

He then stared at me without saying anything. We stayed like that for a few minutes until I started to feel self conscious. 

"Do I have something on my face?" I then started to touch to see if I did.

"No! No, you don't have anything on your face. It's just that you look so beautiful-" He then caught himself off by putting a hand over his mouth. 

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