[5] Chaos Rising

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"I told you already I'm not apologizing. Allison is the one who owes us an apology and I'm not in love with her so I'm not going to act like she didn't betray all of us." I shrugged at Scott, while we were walking through the school with Stiles.

"She has a point Scott." Stiles said, Scott commenting how he was just agreeing with me because we were dating.

"False, he's agreeing with me because he knows I'm right and that I control his sex life." I smirked, kissing Stiles on the cheek before he changed the subject since we could see the annoyed look on Scott's face.

"Okay, what would a pack of Alphas want with Erica and Boyd?" Stiles asked while we kept walking.

"I'm not sure it's them that they want." Scott said.

"Okay, what, like Derek? Like, they're recruiting?" Stiles and I questioned Scott. While we were walking, Stiles and I both turned to Scott to see that he stopped. He looked like he was staring at something. "Yo, you coming to class or skipping?" I asked, breaking Scott from his thoughts and that's when I noticed the look on his face. I asked him what was wrong but he just shrugged it off, saying it was probably nothing.

But if we've learned anything it's that it's usually always something.


"So you think the Alphas kidnapped Heather to turn her?" Scott asked while we ran down the hallways frantically. So in Coach's class, we were learning about risk and reward when Stiles dad suddenly came in, telling him that Heather had gone missing. Apparently after we left her party, she just straight up left. The Sheriff questioned all three of us, telling me that all her friends were saying that we got into a fight and I threatened her.

Well of course I kicked her ass and warned her to stay away from Stiles but I'd never kill her. I mean sure the thought crossed my mind but it's not like I'd actually go through with it. I don't want to kill anyone and lose that part of myself. I don't know, I just don't want to ever get to that point in my life that I'd take someone else's life. Just thinking about it was giving me chills down my spine.

I sighed, looking up to see Stiles worried expression. I hated that I was so jealous and wanting nothing more than to curse Stiles out and how Heather was a bitch for kissing him. Etc. But she was missing, possibly being turned into a werewolf. And even if I hated to admit it, she was Stiles friend and her mother was friends with his mother. It's like if something happened to Isaac, i'd be worried too so I am trying my best to be supportive right now.

"Derek says it's easier to turn teenagers. That's why he turned Isaac, Boyd, and Erica. They're younger and stronger and have better chances for surviving the bite." I answered Scott's question, looking at Stiles with an apologetic look on my face. I wanted to say something or do something but I had no words.

"But what would a pack of Alphas need with a beta?" Scott questioned.

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