[11] Murder Motel

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**author's note: so this chapter was one of my favorite's because we see what sara's biggest fear is, which seems so far to be losing her dad and being left alone and klfjsjhfdskjhfsdkjhfs i really liked it and writing it lol i remember i was so shook when i first saw this episode lol

anyhow; i'm putting this author's note at the beginning because this chapter may or may not be triggering. And I just wanted everyone to know, in case they are triggered or not, you are amazing and beautiful and i treasure each and everyone of you. You're all special and make the world a brighter place like the stars in the sky. Every single star shines, every single star is important in lighting up the night sky.

well, i've making myself cry while writing this message. I just want everyone to know they're special and i cherish every single one of you. And if anyone ever needed to talk to anyone or just to vent i'm always here for you guys. You're all amazing and i cherish you all :)

talk soon, stay golden


*third person point of view:*

"Something's wrong. We need to find the others before something happens." Allison and Lydia said, Stiles nodding his head in agreement before telling them they should get Sara.

Allison, Lydia, and Stiles had dubbed that Scott, Isaac, Boyd, and Ethan were acting funny. Like weird but more weird than they normally are. They thought it was nothing at first until they found Ethan trying to saw himself in half practically. They struggled before he snapped out of his trance, only after getting burned on a heater. The three humans then decided that they needed to find their friends and stop them from hurting themselves like Ethan.

But when they went to Stiles, Scott, and Sara's motel room to get her to help them find the others... they noticed the door was already opened. The three slowly and cautiously entered, seeing what looked like a struggle had happened. Stiles eyes went wide as panic washed over him at the state of the room.

"What the hell happened here?" Lydia and Allison asked while the three of them looked around the room. Stiles quickly ran to the bathroom, yelling Sara's name as he saw the shattered mirror and blood on the floor. Stiles gasped, running back into the room and seeing her phone on the floor as well as her shoes just tossed to the floor.

"It looks like she fought.." Allison said, pointing to the other shattered mirror in the room as well as seeing more blood on the floor.

"Wha-..where is she? Where would she go?" Stiles asked, his voice breaking as panic washed over him. "She left her sweater here, her phone, her shoes--..all her stuff's here. She wouldn't just leave without saying anything. Something's wrong, something bad happened. I know it..-"

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