Chapter 5

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Dear Mrs Vanderwaal,

I love your surname. Way more than Roberts.
Last night, you held me like I meant something to you. Am I something to you? You kissed  me like you loved me. Do you love me?



I got changed in the toilets as normal and joined the rest of my group in the sports hall.
"So guys, were gonna be doing basketball today" Erin called out.
She was sad, normally she was full of enthusiasm but today is sounded scared and sad.
As everyone started their games I hung behind and asked her what was wrong.
Her eyes watered up and she looked down.
"Come on Erin, you can trust me." I said softly.
She looked at me.
"Harold has been arrested"
For I minuite I wondered who Harold was then I relized he must be her husband.
"I'm sorry Erin"
She laughed.
"Haha, don't be sorry, this morning after you left I filled out the divorce forms. He was arrested for fraud. Doesn't surprise me at all actually."
"Then why are you sad?"
"Because of how much I want to kiss you right now but I can't."
I laughed.
"That's what you were worked up about?!"
She looked imbaressed.
"Dont laugh! I guess it just sunk in that you're my student."
My mood dropped.
"I'm sorry, I should have known this was going to happen. I know we can't happen." I was ramballing.
"Please just shut up Parker" She whispered. I swear I'd kiss her if we were alone.
I was about tobsay something when the door to the sports hall slammed open.
All the people playing stopped to see see who it was, as did I.
Then I saw who it was.
My brother.

"J-James?" I stuttered.
He was one year above me and was leaving very soon. But why was he here?
"You fucking bitch!" He yelled as he neared me.
Everyone backed into the walls and they began murmuring.
"J-James, what are you doing here?"
"Because your fucking lazy arse didn't come home last night" He neared me, now we were 1 metre apart. He wreaked if alcohol. Obviously hadn't stopped drinking for a few days straight.
He raised a hand and a loud smack echoed through the science.
Everyone was so shocked.
Erin leaped into action.
"Get your hands off my student" She practically screamed.
He sneered at her.
"Well little sis, all I can say is that you done well finding this beauty." That made my blood boil.
"Do not talk about Miss that way"
He laughed a cold laugh and shoved Erin away.
He punched me.
"SHUT UP" He roared as I tried to tell the other students to run.
But they got the message and thwy legged it out. All that remained was Erin me and James.
He pushed me into the wall and repetitively punched, kicked and stamped. Slowly, my vision was darkening.
And ever sound was muffled.
I saw Erin try and hold back James as he smashed my head against the way and then it was black.



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