Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


" The Luna is so striking and fine-looking, isn't she?"

" I agree, the Alpha has been stricken the moment they met"

My ears twitch hearing two young wolves murmuring near my locker. I glance at them with annoyed eyes and they quickly scram. The whole school can't stop talking about her. Luna, Luna, Luna, that's all I've been hearing and my ears are already numbing. They should symphatize to what happened to their King instead but he insists of keeping it so I have no choice but to remain silent and endure it. I grab my book and slammed my locker, the hallway suddenly stilled and hushed, I smirk knowing they are still aware of me.

" Serene" I heard an achingly familiar voice

" Let's meet later. There are lots of things I want to discuss with you"

" Ofcourse" Serene answered. I gazed at Artemis and there was a wide grin on her face, I stole a look on Serene too using my peripheral vision. Never in my life got insecured like this, my insides are turning and churning from madness and it's spreading like wildfire, consuming me whole. Her smile insults me, her voice angers me.

" Your gaze are heavy Heather"

" I'm surprised, your being familiar now. You usually call me vampire" I replied

" Surprise you say. Your face doesn't show it. But you know what I see?" she trailed her slimy words. Her face is making a mischievous smile I least need but I refuse to bare her my anxiety.

" What you see is yours not mine" I respond sharply which earned a wicked laugh from her.


I'm in the library an afternoon after my class. I'm here not because of homework or any project, compared to school run by humans, this school doesn't patronized paper works. I was following the trail of letters above the shelves as I pointed it out loud




"D" I halted at this section and enter its aisle . I trace my fingers on the books bathing in dust while reading their titles silently in my head.

My feet brought me already at the corner of the shelves but still haven't find anything related to what I wanted to learn. Strangely, I found a gap between the stack of books. I thought it was an empty space but something in between is deliberately pushed inside. I reach for it with my hand and coughed a few times because of dust. It didn't give me hard time pulling the book entitled "Angels and Demons." There is no author written and unlike the other books beside it, this one is not dusty at all, its pages are a bit exhausted making it appeared having been used. I turn around but need to step back immediately due to fright that ended me to loose grasp of the book and fall.

The girl who caused my fright bends her knee and picked up the book

" I was hiding this book" she admitted

" I'm sorry I didn't know I shouldn't-"

" It's fine, I don't own it and anyone is allowed to read it" she smiles at me which somehow made me at ease.

" I'm sorry for startling you" she added and offered her hands. I was doubting first if I should take it but I accepted anyway. Her hands are cold unlike Zeke's warm hands.

" You're a vampire" I said rather out loud and fail to keep it in my thoughts. She first wondered on how did I knew and smiled when she saw her hands

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