Chapter 7

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I'm suddenly thinking that being alone with Louis isn't such a good idea after all. His parents said they'd be back around eleven and that's a good four hours away.

'So why'd your dad cancel,' Louis asks as we finish eating.

'He said he had to work late.' He'd told us that by the time he'd got finished there'd be no point coming through so we'd do it another time. Of course he hasn't arranged another time.

'He has to work late on a Friday night?' Louis asks.

'Supposedly,' I say rolling my eyes. 'I suspect my step mom wants to do something, or maybe he's seeing someone.' I light a cigarette acting as if I don't care.

'You think he's cheating on your step mom?' Louis sounds shocked which makes me laugh.

'Well he kinda has a track record for it!'

'The whole thing must be kinda shit for you and your sister,' Louis says picking up on my thoughts but I don't want him feeling sorry for me.

'It's just the way it is. Look I'm going to do the dishes, we can't leave them for your mom.'

'I'll do them later,' Louis says. 'There's loads of time, and the movie's about to start.' We go into the living room and make ourselves comfortable.

'I should be doing homework tonight,' I tell Louis.

'Don't think about it now,' Louis says as the credits begin to roll, and I try to relax. My problem is I just can't switch off, there's always something I'm thinking about. I snuggle up to Louis and force myself to concentrate on the movie.

'So what's your step mom like,' he suddenly asks. 'You never really mention her.'

'I hardly know her, I guess she's ok, I mean apart from stealing someone else's husband.' I laugh but it isn't funny. I mean she's totally ruined my life. I tell myself it's unreasonable to think that way but it's how I feel.

'If it was me I don't think I'd have anything to do with her,' Louis says. That's actually how my brother feels.

'Yeah but then I'd probably never see my dad.'

'If my dad did what yours did I wouldn't want to see him,' Louis says and for some reason that makes me angry. I move away from him.

'You don't know what you're talking about. It's easy to say that when your parent's biggest disagreement is probably whose turn is it to empty the bin!'

'Sorry, you're right I don't know what I'm talking about,' he says and I let him pull me onto his knee. More cos I want to change the subject and he's easy to distract.

'You know, you said you'd make it worth my while if I helped you out with the talent show,' he reminds me. He then pulls me closer so I'm facing him, and my skirt is hitched up way past my knees, I'm beginning to regret wearing it.

'Well,' I say trying not to think about what his hand is doing on my thigh. 'If you could get Davey to help that'd be even better.' He groans.

'That wasn't the deal,' he says.

'I know.' I shuffle closer to him. 'But I need someone else to help as well.' I kiss him knowing I'm playing with fire, I have no intention of doing what he wants. I let him unfasten my blouse since I have one of my prettiest bras on but no way is he taking it off. He's kissing me harder, his hand back on my thigh, and I squirm thinking I should have wore jeans.

'So will you get Davey on board?' 

'What?' he says distracted. 'Yeah sure.' I kiss him again but I really shouldn't be letting him touch me like this. He's kissing my neck when suddenly there's a loud knock at the door. I pull away from him.

'Ignore it,' he says pulling me back but the knocking continues.

'You'd better answer it.' I'm grateful for the interruption. I fasten my blouse up and adjust my skirt as Louis gets up grumbling. He probably knows he isn't getting that close to me again tonight.



I know Dimucci is gonna kill me but I'm at a loose end cos everyone's got plans. I'd gone along to the Bowlarama but it was no fun without all the gang, and then Paulette's sister latched onto me and I had to get away. I think she kinda likes me but she's just a kid.

'What do you want?' Louis almost snarls as he opens the door. I hand over a six pack as a peace offering but he just glares at me.

'Let him in Louis,' Sharon says appearing behind him and he relents. I kinda resent that, I'm his friend from forever, and he's only letting me in cos she told him to.

'You're sorta interrupting,' Dimucci says as we go through to the living room.

'We were only watching a movie,' Sharon adds but she looks all flustered so I can guess what was going on. I open a can of beer and settle myself down, pretending I don't know that I'm totally intruding.

'Actually Davey, we were talking about you,' Sharon suddenly says, turning her eyes on me.

'Why?' I can't help feeling defensive. I mean no one likes being talked about and it's like Sharon's taking my place with Dimucci. I have to remind myself that girlfriends are different.

'I need you to help me out with the talent show,' Sharon says. What the hell, if she thinks I'm helping her, no way!

'I told Sharon you'd do it,' Dimucci says and the look he gives me tells me I have no choice in the matter.

'I guess...'

'Oh good,' Sharon says clapping her hands together, and I just know there'll be no getting out of it. I've watched her and she's a slave driver. Still, I guess I'll get to hang out with Louis, and it might be a laugh. I try hard to convince myself.

'You know Davey, we're gonna have to find you a girlfriend of your own,' Dimucci says and there's something about his tone I don't like.

'I'm happy as I am.'

'Do you know anyone Sharon?' As if I'd want to go out with a friend of Sharon's!

'Well Steph's single,' she says and they both laugh. Laugh at me that is since obviously there's no way Stephanie Zinone would give me the time of day. Sharon then begins to speculate about random girls she knows, and how no, they wouldn't like me. God, she is such a bitch, and I can't believe that Dimucci is laughing along with her.


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