Chapter 15

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So, in the end, I wound up with a pale green dress for the wedding. It's knee length but low cut, and I can tell my mom isn't happy about it but I don't care. I know I look good, not swamped like Joanne is in her meringue of a dress. No wonder she doesn't want me near the main event.

'Wow you look beautiful,' Louis says and for once I believe him. I have us sit at the back of the church with Angela cos it'll piss mom off, and if I get Angela onside and she likes Louis, dad will go easier on him. The service itself is boring, Joanne has far too many prayers that are sending half the guests to sleep. I won't make that mistake with my own wedding.

'Your sister looks lovely,' Angela says as Joanne leads the way out of the church. I smile to be nice, and Louis whispers that I look better!

'Do we have to pose for pictures?' Angela asks and I feel a bit sorry for her.

'I expect it's bridal party only.' Unless Joanne wants to make a point of posing with Angela she's not going to be in any of the official wedding photos, neither am I as it happens.

Anglea purses her lips. 'That's a little...'

'Why don't we head straight for the reception,' I say taking Louis's hand, it's only down the road.

'Well I guess if we're not wanted....' Now she's irritating me. I mean, she broke up a family, what does she expect? Unfortunately, we don't get away cos dad comes running over.

'Where are you going? Aren't you going to stay and watch the pictures being taken?'

'I think we know where we're not welcome,' Angela says crossing her arms. Dad looks confused, like he doesn't realise what's happening.

'Of course you're welcome,' he starts to say and I interrupt him.

'Dad this is Louis.'

'Nice to meet you, sir,' Louis says, and I smile thinking he's been rehearsing that.

Dad shakes his hand, gripping it a bit too hard. 'If it was down to me I wouldn't let Sharon have a boyfriend yet.' I groan shaking my head.

'Don't be silly Robert,' Angela says. 'Joanne had a boyfriend when she was seventeen.'

'And look where it's got her.' Dad isn't that keen on Joanne's husband Thomas.

'Louis isn't like Tom,' I point out. I don't much like him either.

'So long as you treat her right son,' dad says looking stern.

'Of course sir.' I bet Louis's mom has been giving him pointers on how to act.

'Dad get over here!' Joanne yells her hands on her hips.

'Honestly, what's your sister like,' dad says indulgently like she isn't a total pain in the ass.

'Robert I'm going to the reception, I don't want to wait around here like some scarlet woman,' Angela says sharply. Wait until she sees where she's sat! I don't mind too much that we'll be sat with my cousins, we'll probably have a better time, but I know it's a slight all the same.



I've survived meeting Sharon's dad even if my right hand is crushed. It's almost funny how overprotective he was getting, it's not like he sees Sharon that often. I guess he's overcompensating.

'I think dad liked you,' Sharon says smiling.

'You reckon?'

Sharon giggles. 'Well you're still breathing aren't you!' We go take our seats and thankfully we're well away from the main action.

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