Chapter 10 (Part 2)

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I need to pull myself together, I'm totally overreacting to everything. People are used to me being dramatic but even I know I'm going overboard. I actually kinda provoked that whole confrontation with Paulette, and it's only cos Louis likes me that he took my side in it. Really it's my family I'm angry with, and I am angry. I'm not annoyed or irritated, or any of those other words that imply you're a little put out, I'm furious.

Fair enough my dad wanted leave my mom but he didn't have to pretty much abandon his kids. My brother James was virtually grown up and he's had nothing much to do with dad since then. But he's a mommy's boy, definitely mom's favourite as well. Then there's my sister Joanne, she always has to be the centre of attention. She announced her engagement on my seventeenth birthday! Who does that? Then she's sidelined me as far as her wedding goes. I don't much mind about the bridesmaid thing as I know she'd put me in some god awful dress but she won't let me be involved at all. As for mom, she's probably the worst. She's on my case all the time. I know that she wants me to do well but she's horrible about it, like she really doesn't like me at all.

I sit down in front of the entrance to Rydell, and light a cigarette. We're not supposed to smoke on school premises but they turn a blind eye when we're outside. My last period's free today, and I could go straight home but I've decided to wait and get a ride with Rhonda. Goose appears behind me ruffling my hair. It pisses me off but I ignore him as I know he'll do it all the more if I give him a reaction.

'You waiting for Rhon?' he asks.

'Yeah, I can't be bothered to walk.' He sits down next to me and lights his own cigarette.

'Me too, my bike's off the road so she's giving me and Davey a ride.'

'Well, that'll be cosy.' We'll only just fit in.

'Yeah, Davey should get his own bike, I'm tired of having that sidecar attached to mine,' he grumbles.

'Didn't he have one?' I vaguely remember Davey having a bike for a while last year.

'Yeah and it broke down, and his parents wouldn't shell out for repairs. I don't think they liked him having it in the first place cos he's their ickle baby,' Goose says and I laugh.

'And they think he's any safer in a sidecar? That's dumb.'

'I know, and it cramps my style. Like if I give Rhonda a ride, he's there. I can't take her home without taking him first, it's a drag.' I nod. It's why Louis and Johnny won't have the sidecar attached to their bikes but Goose drew the short draw since Rhonda has a car unlike the rest of us. I do sort of feel a bit sorry for Davey though.

'Davey doesn't really fit in with you guys does he?' Goose snickers before answering.

'Nah, he doesn't these days. It's like he hasn't gone through puberty yet.'

'Louis was asking if I knew any girls who might want to go out with him but I can't think of any. And that's kinda odd. I mean he's gotta be the only t bird ever not to get a girl.' I know that sounds bitchy but Goose laughs.

'Yeah, he's like the opposite of a girl magnet.'

'You mean he's a repellent?'

'That's exactly what he is,' Goose cackles. I give him a quick elbow to the ribs when I see Davey come out the door. He makes a beeline for us and sits next to Goose cos he doesn't like me very much. He sighs deeply and we both look at him.

'We're gonna have to speak to Johnny about that song,' he says referring to their god-awful act in the talent show. 'My folks will be coming, and I'd die if they heard me sing that.'

'Won't it go over their heads,' Goose says. 'I mean they're old, they don't do stuff like that.' I roll my eyes.

'Goose that song is not subtle at all! You list all the types of girls you want to nail.' Davey turns bright red whilst Goose starts to splutter.

'It's tongue in cheek Sharon, that's what Johnny said.'

'Well, it's pretty explicit even if it is stupid.' Davey nods his head vigorously but Goose objects.

'We can't sing some shit like Mr Sandman, we're T Birds and that would not be cool.' I guess he has a point. They'd have no chance of beating The Preptones if they're a carbon copy of their act. Stephanie comes out and joins us.

'You guys waiting for Rhonda?' she asks. She usually takes the bus since she comes from the opposite direction. Goose explains about his bike again.

'You didn't want a ride on the back of Johnny's bike?' Steph jokes and Goose acts horrified, there's close and there's close.

'Actually, Paulette said she was getting a ride off Johnny,' I tell them suddenly remembering, and a shadow crosses Stephanie's face.

'She'll be wanting my jacket next,' she says, and I realise she is a little put out that Paulette is stepping into her shoes.

'She has always been jealous of you,' I remind her.

'You reckon? I thought it was just that she's had this lifelong crush on Johnny.' Steph blows a bubble pretending she doesn't care.

'There's that as well, but she's always wanted whatever you've had. Remember when she used to copy your clothes?'

'Yeah, I'd forgotten about that. Thank god she found another role model in Marilyn.' Stephanie also had a real go at Paulette one time when she'd bought a new skirt, and Paulette bought the exact same one the following week.

'Anyway, why don't you go home with Dimucci?' Goose asks me, probably getting bored of the clothes conversation.

'I suppose I could. But I've got a skirt on, it's not exactly ideal for sitting on the back of a bike.'

'I don't know,' Goose says leering. 'I'm sure Dimucci wouldn't complain.' I roll my eyes at Stephanie and ignore him. I'm sure he's right and Louis wouldn't complain. And I'm also sure he wouldn't take me straight home, and I've been spending too much time with him lately. I don't want to get too dependant on him. I'm cringing to think I was practically crying on his shoulder today. No, I think it's better that we have a bit of space from each other.


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