Chapter 17

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I thought Stephanie might have been a little off hand with us after we had words at the Bowlarama but she was fine the next day. Her head must have been so spun by that guy on the bike she can't think of anything else. I don't understand it. I think about Louis all the time but I wouldn't get worked up over a total stranger.

'So I guess you're gonna be hanging out at your dad's service station,' Paulette says teasing her. 'In case a certain someone stops by for gas.'

'Make sure you have your makeup on,' Rhonda adds, and Paulette can't stop giggling. She probably thinks there's absolutely no chance Steph will get back with Johnny when she's crushing on someone else.

'Personally, I don't see how you can get so hot and bothered over someone you don't even know,' I say throwing my two cents in.

'I'm not,' Steph says and we all roll our eyes as we head into the chemistry room. Paulette starts giggling again when she sees Michael sat with Frenchy.

'There's your boyfriend,' she snickers, and Steph elbows her.

'Having a facial?' I ask Michael and he shrugs going a bit red.

'Hey Steph,' he says trying to get her attention as she reapplies her lipstick. 'Have you ever read a Superman comic?'

'Not in the last few hours,' she says giving him an impatient look, and Frenchy pats his arm before he skulks away. I would feel sorry for him but if he wants to get Stephanie to go on a date he'll have to be more assertive.

'He needs a guidance counsellor,' Rhonda says and I'm about to agree when the siren goes off. None of us reacts, Mrs McGee seems to be in constant preparation for a nuclear war. One day a bomb will drop for real and we'll all just ignore the alarm.

'Hey Sharon,' Louis calls poking his head through the door, and I go join him leaving the others testing Frenchy's makeup samples.

'I thought you said you were going to the library,' he says. We both have a free period.

'I'm on route to the library.'

He laughs. 'If you say so. Let's go sit outside and get away from all this noise.'

We go sit in the bleachers and watch the football team practice or maybe it's the soccer team.

'So have you thought any more about what I said?' Louis asks suddenly and I raise my eyebrow. 'About going to see Shakespeare's fallout shelter?'

'Not really, I mean why would I want to?'

'Cos it's really impressive, I think you'll be pretty interested, it's like live history or something.' It does sound sorta interesting but I'm surprised Louis would care, he doesn't pay half as much attention to this stuff as I do.

'I'll think about it,' I say and he smirks.

I look at him suspiciously. 'Louis Dimucci are you up to something?'

'Who me? Of course not.' I tilt my head to the side giving him my best stern look. 'I just thought we could do something different together but if you don't want to, forget it.'

He sits back turning his attention to the action on the field and I feel a bit guilty. 'I said I'll think about it,' I say. We've been getting along really well lately and I do want to spend time together but something about this is making me nervous....


Paulette and Rhonda are round my house and we're trying to sort out our costumes for the show. I have the most stuff so my wardrobe is being raided first.

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