Chapter 1

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Hey, guys! I just recently thought of this idea and wanted to write something about it. Nothing except the plot belongs to me. Happy reading!

It was summer. And summer for the kingdom of Arendelle meant lots of parties and balls. There would be dancing, singing, laughter, and not to mention the heavenly food. The King and Queen of Arendelle invited the most well-known dignitaries from around the world. And tonight was no different. Their two daughters, Princess Anna and Princess Elsa of Arendelle were getting ready for the ball that night.

"I can't wait for the party!" Anna said, looking in front of the mirror and twirling to see how her green dress would move.

"I suppose so," Elsa shrugged.

Anna looked over her shoulder to glance at her. "Hey, what's wrong?" she said, coming over to her sister and resting her hand on her sister's shoulder.

"It's nothing." Elsa said, not meeting her sister's eyes. When her sister gave her the I-know-you're-lying look, Elsa sighed. "It's just that... Mother and Father are making me meet some princes so that I can one day marry one of them."

"That sounds very romantic," Anna sighed dreamily.

"Well, it does not sound very romantic to me!" Elsa exclaimed. She inhaled deeply, getting herself together again. "What I mean is...I want to get to know someone on my own terms, not Father and Mother's. And I know that they're rushing me because I've come of age so that one day when they're not here anymore, I'll be queen.

"It just feels like...this is all so rushed," Elsa said. "And to be honest, it's a little frightening."

"Hey, don't worry. It can't be that bad," Anna said, trying to console her sister as best as she could. "Father and Mother's marriage was kind of like what they're doing to you right now, so it might not be so unpleasant."

"I hope you're right," Elsa sighed in reluctance. "Let's just hope that tonight goes without a hitch."


It was now six o' clock in the evening and the dignitaries were starting to come. Elsa looked from above on a balcony, watching and wondering which one might be her future spouse. The princes she was able to get a glimpse of were fairly handsome, but none seemed to stand out to her.

How does one know that their true love is near them? Elsa wondered. I wish it could be as easy as picking a red apple from a group of green ones.

"I'm starting to sound like Anna now," Elsa chuckled to herself. Anna was a true hopeless romantic, never missing an opportunity to meet new princes. Elsa, on the other hand, was more of the quiet, reserved one that needed a push from both her parents and her sister to meet someone new.

"Elsa?" her sister's sweet voice came from downstairs. "You'd better hurry and get down here! The party's going to start at any minute!"

"Coming," Elsa sighed. She smoothed her ivory white dress and fixed her bun that was held with a headband. She took a deep breath before descending down the stairs. Down into her uncertain future.

AN: I hope you guys liked the beginning! More has yet to come! See you in the next chapter!

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