Chapter 6

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Hey, guys! Nothing except the plot belongs to me. Happy reading!


"Elsa," Jack started to come closer to her, but Elsa held up her hands and backed away from him.

"Don't come any closer!" she shouted at him, her body shaking with anger. Jack looked at her in confusion and concern.

"Elsa, what's wrong?" he ignored her previous command and was now directly in front of her. He titled her chin up to make her look at him.

"Why?" Elsa said. "Why didn't you tell me about you? About your background? About anything?"

Jack finally understood what was worrying the beautiful princess and gave her a gentle smile. "You never asked until now and it never came up in our conversations."

"Jack, I'm being serious," Elsa backed away once again from him and stood there, folding her arms over her chest as if she was cold, despite the warm weather. "We need to talk about this. Now."

Jack sighed. "Fine. Ask away and I'll do my best to answer them."

Elsa looked at him straight in the eye. "Did you know about our families' feuding?"

"Yes," Jack scratched the back of his neck guiltily.

"So you must know why they hate each other so much?"

"Yes," Jack looked away from her hard gaze.

"Then...why?" Elsa said. "Why did you still dance with me, talked to me, even laughed with me if you knew about all this?"

"Because," Jack walked straight up to her and cupped her face in his strong yet gentle hands. He kissed her softly. It may have been seconds, it may have been a minute, Elsa didn't know. She was caught off guard by this intimate moment. Jack broke away from the kiss. "Because I have fallen in love with the princess."

Elsa looked at him, stunned. Stunned by his actions and his words. She could feel her cheeks burning up, and it wasn't because of the heat the sun was casting.

"Yeah, it sounds idiotic, I can tell you that," Jack said. "But it's true. Elsa, when I first laid eyes on you at the party, my whole life seemed to change right then and there. It sounds cliche, but I'm standing by it. All I knew at that moment was that I wanted to get to know you, to be with you.

"When I found out you were one of the princesses of Arendelle, I admit, I was a bit astonished at first," Jack chuckled. "But that didn't waver my decision in wanting to get to know you. The past doesn't always have to affect the future.

"So believe me when I say this, Princess Elsa." Jack looked at her. "I love you with all my heart and soul and nothing will ever change that, not your background, our families' feuding, nothing."

Elsa couldn't say anything. What could she say? 

"Jack," she finally managed to get out. "I'm not sure if all this is happening in real life, but I can tell you this: I'm still very unclear about what I feel about you. After all, we've just met." Jack looked down at his feet, looking crestfallen. "But," she stepped in front of him, looking at his stunning blue eyes. "I know that I care deeply about you, and that's all that matters." She gave him a quick peck on the cheek before she could chicken out. Jack looked at her in surprise. He grinned at her his eyes alight, looking like he was the happiest person in the world.

"It seems the ice cold princess is starting to warm up to me," he said smugly. Elsa jabbed him on the arm playfully. Jack laughed that melodic laugh that Elsa had fallen in love with. And for the first time since her and her father's argument, she laughed too.


"So, how did you get into the party?" Elsa asked, resting her head on Jack's shoulder. They were now sitting under The Lonesome Tree, relaxing and listening to the birds chirping. "I doubt that my parents invited you and your family."

"It was pretty easy, actually." Jack said, stroking her platinum blonde hair. "I came here because I was on a trip with my friend, Hiccup. We landed here because he needed to talk to some people about some inventions he was planning on making. We're actually staying here for about six months or so." he explained. "When I heard about your family hosting a party, truth be told, I wanted to cause trouble there, so I snuck in through an open window." he grinned sheepishly at her.

"Well, did you cause any trouble like you intended to?" Elsa giggled. 

"Swapped a few drinks, put some cold ice down some people's backs, even threw a few pastries at some guests," he sighed contentedly. "All in a day's work."

Elsa rolled her eyes teasingly.

"But, the pranking stopped when I saw you," he kissed the top of her head. "After that, I had a new mission."

"And what was that, Prince Jack?" Elsa teased, feigning formality.

"To make the princess fall for me." he kissed her on the lips.

"You're a flatterer, you know that right?" Elsa laughed after they kissed.

"It's one of my many charms," Jack winked, which made her laugh more. 

"So, how did you find this place?" Elsa asked after a few moments of contented silence, gesturing to where they were now. 

"Not really sure, myself, to be honest," Jack admitted. "Just kept wandering the kingdom for who knows how long, just thinking about things. "When I finally snapped out of my thoughts, I found out that I had stumbled across a new place."

Elsa nodded. "Not very many people know about this place. That's why I was surprised you or anyone for that matter, were here.

"This is my favorite spot to think and relax." Elsa said, looking around the place, smiling. "It helps me clear my mind."

"I can support that." Jack smiled. "Before you found me, I sat under this tree and thought over some things. I don't know how, but doing so really helped me."

Elsa smiled back at him. "Another thing we have in common now."

Jack kissed her. "One of the many things that we found out about each other."

Elsa smiled against the kiss. "And I hope that there'll be more."

AN: I hope this cleared things up a bit for both Elsa and you! Hope you enjoyed reading this and see you in the next chapter! 

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