Chapter 7

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Hey, guys! Nothing except the plot belongs to me. Happy reading!

Elsa spent nearly half an hour with Jack before deciding to go back home.

"You be careful going back home," Jack said. "I don't want to find out the next hour that the future queen of Arendelle has been reported missing."

Elsa chuckled. "I'm sure I'll make it back home safely, Jack, but thank you."

"I'll miss you," he whispered to Elsa, helping her get on her horse.

"I'll miss you too," Elsa smiled lovingly at him. Then she clucked to her horse and started back home.


"Elsa! Where have you been?!" Anna cried out as soon as Elsa entered the castle. She was stationed near the entrance door and had been on high alert for her sister. "Everyone's been so worried about you!"

"I'm sorry, Anna," Elsa smiled apologetically. "I just needed to clear my mind, that's all."

Anna's face turned from sisterly fury to sympathy. "Father told me what happened."

Elsa sighed. "Who else knows?"

"Not many. Only Mother, Father, Gerda, and Kai," Anna counted off the people on her fingers. Elsa nodded.

"So, you hungry?" I bet you're starving from your little adventure! Mother and Father are already there!" Anna said, already taking her sister by the hand and leading her towards the dining room.

"Anna?" Elsa said, making her sister stop. "Can we- can we just eat in my room? I'm not ready to face Father and Mother yet," she fidgeted with the folds of her gown.

Anna smiled gently. "Sure. Just tell me what you want and I'l go get it for you."


"The chef really outdid himself with this meal," Elsa said, munching away.

"He keeps getting better and better!" Anna said. "Though it is a shame that he won't let me sneak some chocolate to my room." The sisters laughed.

"So, did you spend some time with Prince Hans today?" Elsa winked playfully at her sister.

Anna blushed but then quickly recovered and flashed a big wide smile. "Yep! We went strolling in the castle garden! It was so much fun! I got to learn so much more about him! Did you know that he's the youngest out of thirteen brothers? Thirteen? Thirteen! Can you believe that?!" 

Elsa chuckled. "No, I can't. That's an awful lot of siblings to imagine."

"And did you know that he has a horse named Sitron? He's so adorable! I just want to shrink him and stuff him in my bag!" Anna said, gesturing wildly with her whole body.

Elsa laughed. "Anything else?"

Anna frowned. "Oh yeah. Before meeting Sitron, I met Hans' stable boy. What was his name? Christopher? Chris?

"Oh yeah! It was Kristoff! I remember because he got mad at me when I called him Christopher the first time," Anna said.

"And? How was he?" Elsa asked.

"Kind of weird to talk to, if you ask me," Anna shrugged. "Kind of gruff and a bit rude when anyone else but Hans talks to him, though you can't really be gruff and rude when royalty is talking to you."

"You should get to know him," Elsa said. When Anna looked at her like she was crazy, she explained. "You never know, he could be just shy and he just puts on a gruff exterior for protection."

Anna smirked. "Did you learn that from your mysterious prince?"

Elsa blushed. "Anna!"

Anna laughed. "I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! Sister, you're getting easier and easier to read nowadays."

"Oh, you hush," Elsa huffed before giggling along with her sister. After a few minutes of giggling and throwing pillows around, Anna looked at her sister.

"So, what are you going to do?"

"About what?" Elsa asked.

"About Jack," Anna whispered. "If Father doesn't approve of Jack, then what are you going to do now?"

Elsa sighed. "I honestly don't know, Anna. All I know is that Jack is...different from all the other princes. He's someone that I can easily talk to and feel like I can trust. And I want to spend the rest of my life with him."

Anna nodded. "If you need help or advice with anything, I'm always here for you."

Elsa smiled gratefully at her sister. "You're acting like the big sister now, you know that, right?"

"The side affects of living with you," Anna teased. She laughed when she was hit with a pillow.

"Elsa?" her father's voice came from outside. Elsa froze.

"Yes, Father?" she said hesitantly. She couldnt' tell if her father was angry or not by the tone of his voice.

"May I speak with you please? Outside in private?"

Elsa turned to her sister. "I've got to go. Thanks for cheering me up."

Anna smiled and flashed a thumbs up sign. "You'll be fine."

Elsa came outside of her room and looked her father in the eye. "Yes, Father? You needed to talk to me about something?"

Her father gestured for her to follow him into his study once again. Elsa winced at the memory of earlier that day.

Her father shut the door and looked at her and smiled. "Elsa, you know that I have your best interests at heart, correct?"

Elsa nodded, but secretly, she was dreading the news her father was about to give her.

"I know that you've had a tough time in choosing who to marry," he continued. Elsa could feel her chest flare, which came as a surprise to her. She rarely became angry with her father. But it seemed that she just couldn't help herself this time.

It's like he's completely ignored what I've told him, Elsa thought.

"So I'm proud to inform you that I've chosen one for you," her father smiled at her.

Elsa stood there in shock, wondering if she had heard her father right. Suddenly the room seemed to be spinning. Her breaths were coming in short gasps. "E-Excuse me, Father?"

Her father looked at her in concern. "Elsa, dear, I've chosen a prince for you."

AN: Thanks for reading and hope to see you in the next chapter!

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