Chapter 5

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Hey, guys! Nothing except the plot belongs to me. Happy reading!

I can't believe I'm doing this. Elsa thought as she rode her horse away from the castle. She had finally mustered up the courage and strength to sneak out and look for Jack.

This is crazy. I'm crazy. Elsa scolded herself. I don't even know if he's still here. He could have left after the party. What was I thinking, going through with this crazy plan?

Elsa was tempted to just head back and act like nothing had ever happened, but yet there was a gnawing feeling inside of her that told her to keep going. She needed to know why he didn't tell her about his background.

If I'm to be going along with this reckless idea, then I guess I'll have to act reckless as well.

She first decided to check the marketplace. After all, Jack didn't seem the type to be picky about where his food came from. She put on her midnight blue robe and wandered the marketplace, looking at booths and shops in hopes of seeing him browsing there. She searched high and low for him, hoping to spot his unmistakable flash of white hair. Unfortunately, there was no trace of Jack there.

She then went to the docks. She watched silently as she saw some of the dignitaries leaving for their home countries. She quickly scanned the place for the Overland's emblem. Even though she didn't know about Arendelle and Overland's sour relationship, she had had enough history lessons to know how the kingdom of Overland's emblem looked like: a huge snowflake surrounded by three smaller ones, the main colors of the emblem being sky blue, navy blue, and white. Again, there was no sign of Jack there. Elsa bit her lip in worry and wondered if the ship had already left. She shook the thought out of her mind and went to her next guess.

Her last attempt was the public library. Yes, it was a long shot. Jack didn't seem like the type of prince to read books for fun, but Elsa was getting desperate. It was already five in the afternoon and the sun was beginning to set. She entered the building and breathed in the smell of books and wood. The smell somewhat cleared her mind and calmed her, like it always did. She looked for Jack in every section of the library, the fiction and the nonfiction, stories and fairy tales to autobiographies and historical accounts. She even looked in the children's section to see if he was there. Her search came back empty handed. She sighed in defeat.

I guess I was too late. she thought dejectedly as she went outside and got on her horse. She was about to head back home when she thought against it.

I need some time to myself. she thought. No distractions from anybody or anything. And she knew exactly where to go. Her favorite spot: The Lonesome Tree.

She had called the place that ever since she discovered it when she was thirteen, for it was nothing but a great wide landscape of wheat-colored grass and nothing but a lone tree was there. She often went there when she was feeling sad or confused. And today, Elsa was feeling both. She clucked to her horse and started to her destination.

Her mind wandered as she rode to The Lonesome Tree. Things like marriage, ruling the kingdom one day, and expectations crossed her mind. All of these things felt like a weight on her shoulders right now. It felt like everything depended on her and her decisions. It was terrifying to think that one day, she would be ruling this kingdom with all of its citizens in it. Sure, she had taken lessons on how to act and talk with the citizens and dignitaries, but it was nothing like the real thing. She was brought out of her thoughts when her horse whinnied and stopped. She hadn't realized that they were already there. She got off her horse and looked at the lone tree that was rooted there for who knows how long. She smiled. The Lonesome Tree was like a protection net that shielded her from any worry or danger.

She started walking to the tree. As she got closer though, she could feel that something wasn't right. The atmosphere around her felt different, though she couldn't put a finger on it as to why. As she got nearer, she noticed that there was a silhouette sitting under the tree. Suddenly she felt frightened. Who was this person and how did they find this place? She was the only person she knew that knew of this area.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" she called out to the figure, her voice hard. She was surprised at how confident and strong she sounded, nothing like what she was feeling now. The figure jumped up in surprise. Elsa could tell the the person was a male. He was tall, lanky, and had spiky hair. It reminded her of someone....


Elsa stopped in her tracks, startled.

That voice. she thought. It can't be.  

The figure stepped out of the shadows the tree was casting. She could see him clearly now, but she didn't know if her eyes were deceiving her.

For standing right in front of her was Prince Jack of Overland.

AN: Yeah, this was kind of a mundane chapter. Hopefully the next part will be more exciting! Anyways, thanks for reading and see you in the next chapter!

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