Chapter 12

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Hey, guys! Nothing except the plot belongs to me. Happy reading!

"It's such a nice day today," Anna sighed happily, leaning on a windowsill.

"Mhm," Elsa replied absentmindedly, engrossed in a novel.

Anna glanced back at her sister and sighed. She got up and snatched the book from her sister and flung it all the way across the room.

"Anna!" Elsa exclaimed. "What did you do that for?"

"You're not paying attention to anybody or anything with your nose stuck in that book!" Anna huffed, crossing her arms.

"It's a good book!" was Elsa's lame excuse.

Anna rolled her eyes. "I'm sure it is, but you've got to go do something other than studying and reading!

"And I know just the idea for it." Anna smiled mischievously.


"So your sister suggested this?" Jack asked, walking alongside Elsa in a deserted field.

"Yeah," Elsa laughed.

"She really knows how to get you out of the house," Jack chuckled. They walked along in contented silence until Jack said, "Hey, how does your sister know"

I told her about us the day after I met you," Elsa smiled at him. "I try not to keep secrets from her. She is my sister after all.

"And besides," she added, chuckling. "She has a way of finding out on her own."

"And she's perfectly okay with it?" Jack asked.

"I'm not really sure myself," Elsa shrugged. "If she doesn't approve of this, she hides her true feelings really well. I would think that she feels some kind of sympathy for us though, making a sort of date for us today."

"A date out in a barren field?" Jack teased. "Your sister has some really interesting definitions for romantic." Elsa playfully swatted him on the shoulder. "I'm kidding!" Jack laughed, holding his hands up in mock surrender.

"She had good intentions and you know it," Elsa quirked a brow. "And besides, it's not like we can go to an elegant restaurant or anything in public."

Jack kissed her on the cheek. "I know, snowflake. But to be honest, this is better than doing those kinds of things you've said."

"I guess you're right," Elsa sighed, lacing her fingers into Jack's hand. "It just would be nice to not hide anything from everybody, you know?"

Jack smiled gently at her. "Hey, don't think about all the bad things. Instead, think of all the positive things that's happened to you."

Elsa shrugged. "Yeah, you're right."

"I don't think you fully understand the concept," Jack teased, putting on a deeper tone, like an instructor. "You're going to have to give me examples of good things that's happened to you."

Elsa laughed. "Well for one thing, I have a beautiful home."

"Uh huh," Jack nodded.

"I have wonderful parents who are at times, strict and a bit unfair, but I know that their hearts are in the right place."

"Yes, yes," Jack said.

"I have the sweetest and most caring sister," Elsa beamed.

"Mhm," Jack nodded.

"I have a good friend, Prince Alexander, who is almost like a brother to me," Elsa said.

"Go on," Jack smiled.

"And last but definitely not least, I have you, Prince Jack of Overland, the most handsome prince in the world," Elsa pecked him on the cheek.

"Now you've got it!" Jack cheered. "Now you just study that, and we'll have your big test tomorrow." he said, still taking on his instructor-like tone.

"Oh stop it!" Elsa laughed, pushing him playfully.

"Hey, I'm starving," Jack said. "Want to stop our little stroll and stop for a picnic?"

"I'd love to," Elsa smiled.

The two spent the rest of the day talking and laughing over sandwiches and sweet tea Anna had packed for them. After they were done eating, they sat in the shade of a tree and listened to the birds chirping and a nearby river splashing.

"Anna was right. It really is a nice day today," Elsa sighed happily, leaning on Jack's shoulder.

"Yep," Jack said, looking at their surroundings contentedly.

Elsa looked up at the sky. The sun was already setting. "I have to go," she sighed, standing up. "It's already getting late."

Jack stood up next to her. "Here, let me take you to your horse and see you off."

After saying their goodbyes, Elsa started back home. She smiled to herself, thinking about her time with Jack today. It really was nice of Anna to get her out of the house and to arrange some time with him. She had to admit, it was good to have a sister who adored romance.

While riding through the forest, Elsa couldn't help but feel a little bit on edge.

"It's nothing," Elsa scolded herself quietly. "There's nothing out there." All of a sudden, she heard a rustle between the trees. Her horse pranced in worry.

"Easy there, Dagny." she soothed to her horse. She couldn't really calm it down though because she was getting a but worried herself too. She urged her horse on to go faster. Her horse obeyed, but not without prancing and hesitating every so often.

After about fifteen minutes, with the silence returning, both horse and rider started to relax.

That was probably just a bird or a squirrel. she thought to herself. I was just being paranoid.

Then, out of the corner of her eye, she could see strange black markings on a tree they had just passed.

That's strange, Elsa thought. I don't remember any ma-

She was suddenly thrown off her horse and on the ground. Her horse neighed in fright and galloped away. Before Elsa could get up and run for her horse, something slammed her against a tree. She cried out in pain. She tried moving, but realized that something was squeezing her neck. Hard. She gasped for air, but that only made the thing squeeze her harder.

"Well, look who's riding out alone in the forest," a voice sneered. "Princess Elsa of Arendelle." The dark silhouette took shape and a tall man with grey skin, black hair, and frighteningly yellow eyes took form.

Elsa's eyes grew wide. She tried screaming for help, but the man was choking her so hard that she could only have enough air to ask, "Wh-Who are you?"

"You don't need to know much," the stranger grinned evilly. "Just know that I go by the name Pitch Black."

AN: Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I wanted to include a chapter where Elsa and Jack just hang out, with no worries, drama, or crying, for that matter. Their relationship and time together needs some happy moments. Well, up until Elsa got attacked, it was happy. Anyways, thanks for reading and see you in the next chapter!  

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