Chapter 16

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Hey, guys! Nothing except the plot belongs to me. Happy reading!

"This is very valuable information, Elsa," her father nodded solemnly after hearing his daughter's story of her encounter with Pitch. "You will be very sure that I will use this information to Arendelle's advantage.

"But that name, Pitch Black. It sounds very familiar," her father said, getting up and skimming through countless books. He muttered to himself, repeating the name to himself before settling on one particular line in History of Arendelle. His face hardened. "No, this can't be."

"What is it, Father?" Elsa said, quickly coming to her father's side.

"Pitch Black. That was the name of the leader who led the Shadow Army," her father rubbed his temples.

"So you're saying that the Pitch Black we're fighting now is a direct descendant from the leader of the Shadow Army?" Elsa gasped.

"Yes. Their hatred for us could only have grown in the years. And by what you have told me, they have become very powerful," her father said. At once, he stood up and strode for the door. He looked back at Elsa and said, "Elsa, dear, thank you for telling me this. You have no idea how many people you're saving."

Elsa nodded. After telling her father about Pitch, she felt like she could finally breathe again. "Thank you, Father," she said.

"But you do realize that this is going to get very dangerous from here on out," her father said. Elsa knew what was going to come next. "So that's why you, your sister, and you mother are not allowed to venture outside anymore. Not until this battle between Arendelle and the Shadow Army is over."

"Yes, Father," Elsa said. Her father nodded and went to tell his men their next battle plan.

Elsa sighed, looking around the room. I guess this is going to be my life for now, she thought. Hiding in the castle, afraid of what's going to happen next.

I guess I should tell Mother and Anna now, she thought, leaving the room already.


Telling her mother the news about Pitch and how they had to stay inside was not very difficult. Her mother had nodded and simply said, "It's for the best." But she knew that Anna was going to be a whole other different story. While Elsa preferred to stay inside and read a book, Anna was always outside. Even before she met Hans, she always went out to wander around the market, go swimming in the lake, or just simply watching the ships at the dock. Elsa knew the news was going to devastate Anna, but what choice did she have?

Upon coming to the door of Anna's room, Elsa knocked quietly.

"Who is it?"

"It's me, Elsa."

Anna opened the door. "Hi, Elsa! Fancy seeing you here!" she ushered Elsa in and closed the door. "You know, you really should knock more loudly. If I didn't have such good hearing I wouldn't have heard y- Hey, what's wrong?" she said, noticing the distraught look on Elsa's face.

"Anna, I have to tell you something. Something very important," Elsa wrung her hands nervously.

"I'm not your real sister?!" Anna screeched. "I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I mean, we look nothing alike and we're so different! I mean, I guess I should have saw this coming but-"

"No, Anna," Elsa chuckled quietly. Despite the grim circumstances, Anna always seemed to find a way to make her laugh or smile. "Don't worry, we're real sisters last time I checked."

"Oh, thank goodness," Anna plopped down on her bed. "So then, what's up?"

"Anna, Father now knows who's been targeting Arendelle," Elsa began.

"That's great!" Anna beamed. "Now we can knock those guys out like they're nothing!" she pretended to headlock someone.

"Anna, it's not that simple," Elsa sighed. "The enemy we're facing is the Shadow Army. And they've gotten very strong and powerful."

"The what army?" Anna asked.

"An army that almost destroyed Arendelle," Elsa explained. "Anyways, Father says that it's going to get very dangerous from here on out so that's why...." She stopped herself, afraid to go on.

"That's why what?" Anna cocked her head to the side.

"That's why we have to stay inside the castle and not go outside until this whole thing is over," Elsa finally managed to get out.

Anna stood up. "What?! No! Th- th- that's insane!"

"I'm sorry, Anna but it's true," Elsa said.

"This can't be happening!" Anna was now pacing around the room. "You're telling me that I can't enjoy the bright sunshine anymore?"

"Yes," Elsa said.

"That I can't watch the ships arriving and leaving from the docks?"


"And that I can't hang out with Kristoff?"

"Ye- Wait, what?" Elsa said. "I'm sorry, but did you just say Kristoff?

"Er, no I didn't I said Hans! Hans is what I said!" Anna exclaimed, blushing very deeply. "Yeah, I said Hans."

Elsa raised a brow. "All right. If that's what you really said..." She stood up to leave. Right before leaving, she looked back at Anna and said, "I'm really sorry about this, Anna. I know how much you like to go outside and see all the things, but this is something that we just have to accept."

Anna nodded sadly. "I understand."

"Hey, cheer up," Elsa said, trying to lighten the mood. "This means we can spend more time together. We can play board games and the like."

"Oh, like what?" Anna perked up.

"Well, chess sounds fun, don't you think?"

Anna threw a pillow at her sister. "Only you would think that chess is fun, sis!"

Elsa giggled. "Okay, okay. I'll let you pick the games."

"Thanks, Elsa," Anna smiled. "For being there for me."

Elsa smiled back. "It's nothing really. That's what sisters do, right?"

Anna ran towards her and enveloped her in a massive bear hug. "And this is what sisters do too, right?"

Elsa smiled. "Yes, this is what sisters do."

AN: A sister-centric chapter this time around! Hope you enjoyed reading this and see you in the next chapter!

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