Chapter 10

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Hey, guys! Nothing except the plot belongs to me. Happy reading!

Elsa had woken up quite late the next day. If it hadn't been for Anna who had woken her up, she would have gotten a lecture by her parents on how to plan everything accordingly. During breakfast, it took all of Elsa to not nod off to sleep.

"Elsa, are you alright?" her mother asked her when she once again covered her mouth to stifle a yawn.

"Yes, Mother, I'm fine," Elsa smiled. "I just didn't sleep quite as well as I had hoped."

"Do you need us to call a doctor?" her mother asked, already getting up to tell a servant.

"No, no! I just had a bit of a bad dream, is all," Elsa lied. The truth was, she had returned very late from her meeting with Jack. It had already been two o' clock in the morning when she had arrived back home. Fortunately though, it seemed like nobody had seen the princess walking out of the castle grounds.

Her mother nodded. "Alright. But if you're feeling unwell throughout the day, tell us."

"Yes, Mother," Elsa said.

"So, girls, anything exciting happening today?" her mother asked, changing the subject.

"I'm going to go horseback riding with Hans today," Anna said cheerfully. Elsa raised an eyebrow in amusement at her sister. This was the first time her sister had called her "friend" by his name only, not his title.

"Oh?" her mother smiled at her youngest daughter. "Well, that sounds fun."

"Just make sure to not ride to the east side," their father said while reading a trade proposal from another country. "There have been reports of strange things coming from there. I don't want you getting hurt."

"Yes, Father," Anna said, getting up to kiss both her parents' cheeks before leaving to meet with Prince Hans.

"Oh and Elsa," their father said. "Don't forget that you'll be meeting with Prince Alexander this afternoon."

"Wear your best dress, dear," her mother added.

"Yes, Father. Yes, Mother." Elsa said, trying not to grimace.

Her mother gave her a sympathetic smile. "I'm sure it will be fine, dear. Just keep an open mind, alright?"

"Yes, Mother."


At exactly one o' clock in the afternoon, the carriage for Prince Alexander arrived. Up on the same balcony she had been on that fateful night she had met Jack, Elsa looked down on the arriving party. Out came the king first. Her father and the other king shook hands and exchanged greetings. The king motioned inside the carriage to someone.

Probably to the prince. Elsa thought, turning away before the prince came out.

"Elsa, Prince Alexander is here," her mother called up to her. "Come down now, please."

Elsa sighed. "Coming, Mother." She smoothed her goldenrod dress and went down to meet the prince and, to her parents' hopes and to her dismay, her possible future husband.


"Elsa, this is Prince Alexander. Prince Alexander, this is my daughter, Princess Elsa," her father gestured to both of them.

The prince smiled at her and bowed. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Princess Elsa."

Elsa smiled politely and curtsied. "Please, Prince Alexander, the pleasure's all mine." So far, it was going the same way as the night of the ball when she met all those princes: Nice but a bit uncomfortable.

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